I just got my m240 MP3 player and I need to burn a CD of the audio tracks I recorded using the “recording” function. The audio tracks appear on the right of my Windows Media Player under “Record.” I think i need to get the audio tracks into my playlist on the left to burn a CD but I can’t figure out how. Any suggestions?
Welcome to the forum Bridget!
We first would need to save the .wav file that the player creates onto your computer. The recordings that you created as saved in the Record folder with an alphanumberic file name. Once we save it onto your computer, wherever you would like to save it, the rest of the process is the same. You go to the Burn tab in WMP and select the recording, thats assuming its been added to your library. If it hasnt you can push F3 while WMP is open and click on search, this will search your entire computer for any compatible files to be loaded into the library of WMP.
If that was too much for ya just let me know and we can go at it step by step, Thats just a quick overview of how it can be done.
Thank you for the quick response. It sounds easy but I’m afraid I don’t know how to save the WAV files to my computer. I tried right clicking over the selected WAV file but the only options are to rename or delete. Can we take this step by step? Thanks for your patience.
Assuming we can create the recording with no issues, we want to connect the player to the computer. Depending on what mode we use the player in it will appear as eithier portable device or removable disk. In eithier case we will see a record folder. Once we open op this record folder we will see the files we have recorded listed. VORC001, VORC002 for example.
We can right click on the recording we want, or select them all and select “copy” from the drop down menu selection after right-clicking on it. Then we can right-click on the desktop and select paste. THis should place the files on your computer without any issues, but also removes them from your player. Be sure to make a copy on the player as well if you would like to hear it from the mp3 player.
From here we can trate it as if we were burning a regular CD. Feel free to respond with comments/questions/concerns
No, I must be doing something wrong. I can clearly see the VORC001, VORC002 etc. recordings but if I right click on one of them, the only options I have are to delete or rename. Technically, I could only select delete since the rename option is grayed out. What am I doing wrong? It seems like a simple copy and paste but I am not seeing that option. The pull down menu above my audio WAV files says Sansam240 and supported portable devices and drivers…Even if I first left click on the WAV file and then right click.
All this should be done from “My Computer” , not from Windows Media Player. That might be whats going on based on your description.
Thanks! I think I got it now.