I’m not sure what’s going on with new ultra/extreme/fast/UDMA Sandisk cards… For years I have shot without any problems, I’ve had all kind of cards, 1Gb, 2Gb, 4Gb, 8Gb …
but… since the ‘fast’ Extreme cards, i have a lot of troubles with the CF cards of Sandisk. I shoot Canon, 5DmkII/III and 1DmkIV, I shoot ‘semi’ professional, I’m a CPS member and take good care of my gear. I use it a lot, under difficult circumstances (I shoot wind/kite surf, in rain/heavy winds sometimes). I bought SanDisk because everybody recommends them for professional use. These days, I’m really hesitate, and I don’t buy those ‘extreme faster then fast’ SanDisk cards anymore. They don’t live up with the ‘fastness’. There are some test around that confirm SandDisk never reaches those speeds, and I have the feeling the ‘fastness’ of the card creates more problems then it’s slower versions (and for photography you don’t need more then 30Mb/s… believe, i know ) I only bought faster cards for video.
I have problems with:
CF Extreme UDMA 60Mb/s - 32 Gb
my 5D mkIII doesn’t regonize it sometimes… if I put it in again, it sometimes ‘works’… and no, it’s not my 5D, because it’s brand new with new firmware (and does other cards without any problem)
yesterday the card wasn’t recognized by any camera/PC… luckily I already moved the files of that card earlier, but I would have been quite pissed if I lost all material due to this. Format by 5D didn’t work, format by the 1DmkIV… worked… after that, card worked normally.
I loose sometimes RAW files after I edited this from the CF card in Canon’s DPP, and converted that to JPEG (on my HDD)… I lost a couple of RAW files this way… Is NOT acceptable, and yeah I should transfer the files first, which I do now, but then again it should NOT happen…
SD Extreme 32GB 45mb/s
- this one is known to be buggy. I know that now. SKIP THE 45MB/S cards!! Really! Keep away from them!!
I have a Panasonic GH2, with that russian hack, so the bitrates are higher. Is a proven concept, lot’s of user use it without problems… If you read about it, you’ll see that the 30Mb/s is way better then the 45Mb/s for video!! There are some tests around that even show that this 45Mb/s is never reaches the 45Mb and is even slower then the 30Mb/s !!!
I had troubles with it also.
Panasonic GH2 with hack, stops filming after 45 minutes. The hack removes the 30 minutes barriere, and I tested it, it worked, I could film until battery was empty or card was full. Not on that SanDisk … it just stopped ‘suddenly’… I lost video during a payed shoot in a theatre, and it stopped during another shoot after 20 minutes!! Other cards … no problems!!
Canon 1DmkIV. I used it as extra card next to my CF card… (1DmkIV has a CF and a SD slot). Normally with CF, I never have troubles with 10 fps… works nice. When the CF was full, the camera switched to the SD and after shooting some photo’s, the camera ‘frooze’ after a sequence of 15 photo’s in 1 go… camera LED’s kept flashing, could not watch photo’s, couldn’t do anything… problem was this buggy card… It is NOT up to the task, and should not called be a “PRO” card. Even my ‘old’ CF cards keep up with the 1D speed… and … 45Mb/s should be more then enough… but it doesn’t… and worse, it freezes the camera… for quite some time (I had to wait 3 minutes!! ). With other cards you cannot always look up the photo’s directly, but,… you can watch the once who are ‘done’ and you can keep shooting… with this card I couldn’t do anything…
I don’t use that card anymore, bought a 32Gb 30Mb/s version, which works fine. (and is way cheaper!!!)
Never buy the 45Mb/s version, buy the 30Mb/s. That’s advice on numerouse video fori!! I have 2 16Gb/30Mb/s cards and now 1 32Gb on 30Mb/s, have NO problems what so ever… the fast Extreme cards… lost material, lost ‘speed’… buggy. I have the feeling UDMA ‘fast’ ‘extreme’ is a big failure of SanDisk (and seeing here on this board, I’m not the only one, and I don’t see any responses of SanDisk other then ‘send it to SanDisk’… That’s nice, but I don’t trust these kind of cards anymore… I buy 30Mb/s cards, but I skip those Ultra/Extreme versions. They cost a lot of money but are NOT worth it, even get you in trouble.
Ow btw, I never format CF/SD cards on the computer, and I use ‘all in one’ USB 3 card reader. I always format the card in the camera before I start a shoot.