? Best way to sync songs in Windows Media Player with SD Card ?

I have an 8GB Fuze and Windows Media Player 11 with a Napster Account. Just added an 8GB SanDisk Card as I am getting close(ish) to the capacity of the basic 8Gb player (I can probably add another 100 songs). When I now plug in the Fuze, I can see both devices in WMP - the Fuze player and the SD Card. To test the new SD card, I added / downloaded two songs from Napster, and sync’d just them specifically to the new card, not the Fuze player itself. Then I tried it out, and everything worked fine… the songs appeared in the Fuze list as expected, and played just fine. Cool!

Then, I re-connected the Fuze to WMP, and did a general “all in” sync. This time, it added the two new songs to the base Fuze device, so I now have the same two songs sync’d twice… once to the main memory, and once to the new card. And the songs now appear twice in the list.  Not cool!

So my questions are: 

  1. Should I fill up the main memory first, and then Fuze will automatically start using the SD card memory as overflow? 

  2. Should I use playlists in some way to differentiate syncing to the SD card? (potentially annoying as I may want the songs to appear in multiple playlists) 

  3. Is there a way of specifying that certain songs can only sync to a specific device? Or NOT to a specific device? 

  4. Or, am I missing something obvious? 

My preference would be option 1, but in reading the other posts my guess is that it is not going to be that easy… 

Which is a shame, because I have come to love my Fuze / WMP / Napster combo to an iPod / iPhone!

Can anyone help?

 Thanks! wbremner

In WMP, you go to the “Sync” Tab.

Hit Select next Device.

You can select the 8 GB card and directly sync there

The two volumes are synced completely independently of each other.

The Fuze does not have control of this the PC does.

Thanks - already tried that.

The problem is that the WMP does not seem to “remember” which device you sync’d the song to.

So next time I sync my collection (which happens often, because I use Napster, which is a subscription service), it “forgets” I previously sync’d a song to the SD card, and then syncs it to the main device instead.

Right. This happens with WMP and any Player really. If you sync to the internal it will recognize the song and say already on device but not with the SD card, so you can get multiple copys of the same song on your player. I have also noticed that WMP cant tell if you sync something to the SD card more than 1 time so you get dups on the SD card too. my suggestion would be to use internal memory for your subscription music, and then SD card for your other music like tht off of your owned CDs.

Are you syncing the Napster content thru WMP11?

Or Using Napster APP?

Generally I put the content that is DRM free on the external card, so I can move it from one device to another.

I put the Rhapsody Content on the external storage.

Its not required, In fact you can tie a card to a particular Device.

In the past Ive seen problems in the DRM stores Software dealing with external cards.

I sync Napster content thru WMP11.

Is there a way to easily setup a rule in WMP so that all Napster goes to Internal and everything else goes to External?

I’m guessing you could use Playlist sync setups for that. Just not sure how…

But question then is, if I create a playlist that has Napster and non-Napster songs in it, what will happen?

Do I just not sync the combined playlist?

So you use WMP’s autosync option? I would suggest turning that off. And then manually adding the napster content to the sync list and adding it to the internal, then after thats done, switch to the card, and then add the other files to the sync list (It should be cleared off when you switch devices) and sync it to the external card.

I can see that working, but it’s very manual…

If I “autosync” the Napster playlist to internal (that playlist seems to be autocreated by WMP), then can you see a way that I can autosync “everything else” to the SD card?

No I cant figure a way to do that. Your Napster list is automatically upgraded when you get more music. Other playlists dont do this. I have used WMP for years and even the Manual method I talked about is not that hard. It can be done pretty quickly. Also with the autosyn option on you could be getting files on your player that you dont want, things like Videos and photos that are in WMP’s library have been known to sync to the playerwhen auto sync was turned on.

OK, so suppose I setup the “Napster Downloads” playlist to sync automatically with Fuze’s internal memory, then I create another playlist called “Everything Else” and add non-Napster content to this and have it sync automatically to the SD card, that should work, correct? I can live with this.

So what happens to all the other playlists that I create in WMP that I don’t sync? Do they get transferred across to the Fuze anyway and figure out by themselves whether to get the songs from internal memory or SD? Or do they not get transferred at all?

@wbremner wrote:

OK, so suppose I setup the “Napster Downloads” playlist to sync automatically with Fuze’s internal memory, then I create another playlist called “Everything Else” and add non-Napster content to this and have it sync automatically to the SD card, that should work, correct? I can live with this.


So what happens to all the other playlists that I create in WMP that I don’t sync? Do they get transferred across to the Fuze anyway and figure out by themselves whether to get the songs from internal memory or SD? Or do they not get transferred at all?

Ok so the napster downloads is a yeah thats good. The everything else playlist will be more trouble than its worth (IMO) you will still have to manually go thru and edit it when you get new stuff. It far easier just to remember what you want to add thats not part of the Napster list. Using Auto sync is just in general a bad Idea because you never know what will happen. If your Napster list keeps itself updated with new music from there, you can hust drag it to the Sync List (Under the Sync Tab) and then sync it. Then you switch devices and sync everything else. All this with auto sync turned off, (Takes me less than 5 minutes[Not including sync time] and I dont have a playlist like the Napster one you are talking about). The other thing this does is eliminate the chance that all your other playlists will sync accidentally. You will only have exactly what you want on the card and on the internal. If Autosync is on then you may get playlists you dont want.

I hope this makes sense to you. If need be I will give you a step by step of how to do this.

Message Edited by Conversionbox on 02-06-2009 11:08 PM


Have you ever used auto-playlists in WM11? Looks like I can create a rule that auto adds files to one playlist where “Content Provider IS Napster” and another playlist where “Content Provider IS NOT Napster” (or I guess I could use “Protected IS Yes” and “Protected IS No” as a more general catch all). Then have each playlist sync to the different devices (Internal and SD)…

If this works, that could be a neat and easy solution to my problem. But I still wonder… let’s say I have a Playlist called “Christmas” that has some Napster songs and some Non-Napster songs… does that Playlist also get sync’d across? I’m guessing not.

Tried it once… Didnt like it. I am more OCD about my music and how it gets organized or used. If I dont do it myself I dont want it to happen. And to be honest I am moving away from WMP, because I just finished converting over 100,000 mp3 files to ogg file types, and it is not well supported in WMP.

I only have ~500 protected and ~500 unprotected, so I am giving it a go. Created an auto-rule called “Protected” where PROTECTION = YES and is auto-syncing to main memory, then one called “Unprotected” where PROTECTION = NO and autosyncing to SD Card. If it works, it also means that I can remove the card ane play the unprotected music in other devices such as phones, etc.

Will let you know how it goes.

OK, so it works! I have Protected songs going to the Internal memory and non-protected songs going to the SD, with auto-playlists setup for each so that when I add new songs they are auto-sync’d to the correct location.

Other playlists don’t carry across to the Fuze, as suspected. This is a shame as it means I can’t coordinate my “favorite” playlists because I am now using playlists for a more fundamental solution - managing the fragmented Fuze memory (8GB internal and 8GB SD).

So I have doubled the memory but lost some useful functionality… any suggestions?

Use the Go list.You can add songs from either memory to it. Including entire albums or artists. This may be your best option.

I think you are right on this one. Thanks!