This morning I threw the files for a new audiobook on my 2gb Clip. In the folder on my computer, the files were all properly arranged, but in the Clip they are completely out of order, seemingly sorted at random. It’s not alphabetical since the file names start with the chapter number, so presumably a proper alphabetical ordering would automatically default numeric ordering, but that’s not the case. The last audiobook I listened to was ordered properly, so I’m wondering how the Clip by default arranges files so I can get audiobook files ordered properly.
I realize of course I can create playlists for these files with Rhapsody. I had a question about that as well. When I was trying to create playlists via rhapsody I noticed that I could not rearrange the order of playlists on the Clip. If it was a playlist for files on my computer I could, but on the clip I could only delete tracks and add tracks to a playlist, and those track would automatically go to the end of the playlist. So if I wanted a track to be the second track of the playlist, I pretty much would have to delete all the tracks on the playlist down to two then add them all again.
Is there a playlist editor that works with the Clip that allows you to reorder track listings on a playlist already on the clip?
The Clip orders tracks by the tag information embedded in the songs. Artist tag, then album tag, then track number tag, then song name tag. Use a tool like MP3tag to set the tags in your audiobook files.
MediaMonkey will allow you to re-order songs within a playlist. Just display the playlist, then click-and-drag to reorder.
Message Edited by PromisedPlanet on 08-10-2009 05:05 PM
Ah, thank you very much! I downloaded MediaMonkey and already find it a better program to use on the Clip than Rhapsody (I guess Sandisk “recommends” Rhapsody because Real gave them the best offer). Actually you can edit the tags via MediaMonkey pretty easily so I didn’t need to use mp3tag.
The problem was indeed the tracks… the files were grouped oddly and there were several tracks listed “1”. Solved the problem using MM…
@soundronin wrote:
Ah, thank you very much! I downloaded MediaMonkey and already find it a better program to use on the Clip than Rhapsody (I guess Sandisk “recommends” Rhapsody because Real gave them the best offer). Actually you can edit the tags via MediaMonkey pretty easily so I didn’t need to use mp3tag.
The problem was indeed the tracks… the files were grouped oddly and there were several tracks listed “1”. Solved the problem using MM…
Yeah, last time I got a Clip, the packaging seemed to imply that you needed to install Rhapsody in order to use the Clip. Really they just want you to purchase songs from Rhapsody. Seems like a big marketing mistake on SanDisk’s part, as a lot of people are going to get frustrated with Rhapsody (or think they need to pay in order to get music on the Clip), and return the Clip to wherever they bought it.
When I got my M240, playlists on the player were only supported by using Rhapsody . The manual also mentioned WMP but that didn’t work at that time. I believe the later versions of WMP would work.
The clip seems to be more flexible, at least if all else fails you can create a playlist using a text editor. Bear in mind Sandisk is marketing to a very wide audience the majoritiy of whom aren’t techies and need things to be fairly straighforward, else they’ll lose out to ipod. Like it or hate it, Apple do make things easy to use. Actually Rhapsordy isn’t a bad package.
I normally use drag and drop in msc mode. If I wanted a playlist I would create it on the clip using winamp, I tried it and it works but I don’t use playlists.
I’m pretty sure if you aren’t using tags, files will play in the order in which they are stored. To check that order use the ‘dir’ command inside a dos box. If you want to force the order, empty the directory then replace files one by one unless you can find a dos utility that will work. If you do, post back.