All I want to do is play my items IN ORDER

I am uploading sermons to my mp3 player.

I don’t want them to be shuffled, I want to hear them in the order in which I upload them to the music folder.

How can I do this?

This is so frustrating that I cannot control the order that I hear what I upload.

Thank you

One way to play audio files in their original order is to add 2-digit prefixes to the filenames.  

Also you could consider using the same 2-digit prefixes in the track number field in the mp3 tags.

If you will try editing the tags, then write to ID3v2.3 ISO-8859-1.


Why is it even like that?  On my last mp3 player that finally died so I had to get a new one…this didn’t happen.  As I copied them in…that’s how they played.  Is this something new with newer players?  If so…it is a downgrade not a plus.

So I have to edit the properties of all the sermons I’m listening to to put them in alphabetical order to play them in order.  Wow.

Thanks, though, for your help.

The Clip Sport uses 2 modes of reading files.

  1. Folder Mode - reads the filenames you copied to each subfolder on the device

  2. Music Mode (and Book Mode) - reads the mp3 tags (Properties info) that you embedded in your files.

If you are hoping to avoid Properties editing, then try using a 2-digit prefix added to your filenames

Then use Folder Mode to see your file list and to play files sequentially by the 2-digit track number

  -> Without the 2-digit prefix, the Clip Sport will alphabetize your filename list

       (and may only display the first 8 or 12 characters in the filename)

Maybe after you hopefully start enjoying using this device, this extra effort will not be too inconvenient for regular use

The Clip Sport uses 2 modes of reading files.

  1. Folder Mode - reads the filenames you copied to each subfolder on the device

  2. Music Mode (and Book Mode) - reads the mp3 tags (Properties info) that you embedded in your files.

Best results with sequential playback of audiofiles (Music and Audiobooks) are obtained by editing the Properties tags (mp3 tags) of your audiofiles. The Clip Sport looks at the track number field to playback the sequence of audiofiles.


If you want to avoid editing the Properties tags, then you can try adding 2-digit numerical prefixes to the filenames of your audio files. Then copy these files into a new subfolder under Music or Audiobooks. Then use Folder Mode to view and sequentially playback your numbered audiofiles.

I hope this helps