I purchased a Sandisk Clip Sport accompanied with a 32gb SD card for the benefit of being able to enjoy a larger library of music to listen to. I’ve had no issues thus far and would definitely recommend it over an iPod for strictly listening purposes, but I didn’t realize there was a limitation of 2000 songs allowed per Sandisk Clip. It really is frustrating learning about this because I was happy to be able to enjoy a more extensive library of music with the 32gb SD card.
Is this something that will updated in the future? Is there a work around to this? I thought something was wrong with my Sandisk at first because certain albums would not display or would disappear and reappear when I would remove and add more music. Time to reorganize everything now 
@treasuretape wrote:
. . . I didn’t realize there was a limitation of 2000 songs allowed per Sandisk Clip.
Is this something that will updated in the future? Is there a work around to this?
Unfortunately, no.
According to others, you CAN however access all your music files via the Folder menu if your number of files exceeds the database limitation.
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Thank for you telling me about this! :robothappy:
That’s actually not too much of an inconvenience, and it displays the albums from the last added at the bottom.
I read about the 1.28 firmware update being able to display 4000 songs, was there something wrong with that option when it came to the 1.29 firmware upate? Much appreciated once again friend.
1.28 was a Beta release for a limited time. Much had to be taken out in order to increase the database limit, and it was decided the cons outweighed the pros and the beta release was removed.