Album art.

I cant not figure out why some of the album art is showing up on my fuze? I have a 4g fuze with a 4g external card.

I fought with this for a few hours as well.  You have to create a file named folder.jpg and place it in the folder for that specific album.  Comming from a 30gb Zune which did everything for you was a bit tricky.  If you don’t have the JPG image go to Google and select images.  Type in the album name and copy the  jpg of your choice.  I used the smaller ones 300x300.  If you have the art in the folder already and it’s not displaying then copy the file from the folder and paste it on your desktop.  Rename it to folder.jpg and cut and paste it back into the folder.  You can’t rename the file on the Sansa as in my case anyway it won’t work.  I spent another 2 hours this weekend fixing all of mine.

@steve197 wrote:
I cant not figure out why some of the album art is showing up on my fuze? I have a 4g fuze with a 4g external card.

ahh because you either have an image called folder.jpg in the musics folder or the song has it embedded. To get rid of the album art you need to delete the folder.jpg file or edit your tags with EasyTag (Linux) or MP3Tag (Windows)

I am sorry, I should of been more clear. I have a 4g fuze with a 4g microsd card. I have about 1566 songs on it. Some of the album art is showing and some isnt.  This is why I dont understand why some art is on there and some isnt.

As you can see by responses there are 2 ways of displaying album art, embedded and folder.jpg. How are we supposed to help if you don’t tell us which you are using?

It could be the folder.jpg image is way too big for the Fuze to process and show or that the embedded image in the tags is corrupt or the using a different version of tags that the Fuze does not recognise. Is there anything common between the ones that fail? Have you checked the tags with Easytag (Linux) or MP3Tag (Windows)? Do you like long walks on the beach? How many kids do you want?.. I am starting to run out of questions to ask and can’t make it to 20, sorry, you win.

Sorry Hazza, When I said clear I was just trying to clean up how I typed the question the first time. I am  looking for the folderjpg/tags. I am not sure what its set on embedded or folder.jpg.  I am still trying to learn about this stuff as I go.

The best thing I can tell you to do is go to what ever program you use to edit tags, check those tags where the album art dont show up, see if it is there. If it is resize it to fit the fuze (Search for the specs) if not add it. Go thru and delete the songs off of the fuze that have no art, and then Resync with updated tags. This does 2 things, gets the art on the fuze, and gets it on to basically any player that supports tags.

FYI: This is what Hazza Means by embedding.

@steve197 wrote:
Sorry Hazza, When I said clear I was just trying to clean up how I typed the question the first time. I am  looking for the folderjpg/tags. I am not sure what its set on embedded or folder.jpg.  I am still trying to learn about this stuff as I go.

Ok an explaination, there are 2 ways that the Fuze can display Album art:

  1. In the same folder as all the music files there is an image file called folder.jpg
  2. The music file does not just contain the music it also contains ‘metadata’, the Artist, the Album, the year, the track# AND the album art.

Have a look in the folder that contains the music, do you have a folder.jpg file in there? Download and install MP3tag, open one of the files that displays and one that does not. Do you see album art in one and not the other?

I use the folder.jpg method, it means that there is only a single copy of the image, embedding it in each file makes it so that each file has a copy. When you use the folder.jpg method updating the album art is a simple matter of replacing the folder.jpg file. It also allows the Windows Explorer to display the album art when you select the Thumbnail view.

If you have folder.jpg and it does not display the album art it could be that the image is too large or not squre. I have album art that is 170x170 and it displays fine. To see how large the folder.jpg file is “Right click -> Properties -> Summary” I am not sure the upper limit of the image before the Fuze does not display it.

As others have mentioned, there are two ways of displaying album art.

From a space stand point, the folder.jpg is much more efficient since each file does not need to have the album art embedded.  If your sync software does not automatically sync folder.jpg (Winamp will not) then for me embedding the album art is easier.

Also, the Fuze has an issue in which the folder.jpg also appears in “photos” section unless the folder.jpg file has the hidden attribute applied. 

Add that “feature” with the feature tha Winamp won’t transfer folder.jpg during it’s sync, and I just use MP3Tag to embedd the art in all my Tags.

One “advantage” of the folder.jpg, is that you get the album thumbnail in the album lists if you have that turned on, whereas if you are strictly using embedded album art, that won’t work.  But that is a small price to pay considering I don’t have to worry about hiding my folder.jpg files and I don’t have to manually transfer them during a resync.

I have downloaded and used 320x300 from Google with no display issues.  I don’t know what the upper limit is but considering the size of the display window I am betting it’s not much more then this size.


@p_opus wrote:


Also, the Fuze has an issue in which the folder.jpg also appears in “photos” section unless the folder.jpg file has the hidden attribute applied. 


I just tested this and it’s false. I have folder.jpg in ALL my folder yet by Photos section on my Fuze is empty.

I am in the latest firmware, what version of firmware do you have?

That may have been fixed in the last firmware upgrade.  It used to be that unless the folder.jpg had a hidden attribute applied to the file, it would show up in the Photos section.

When Album Art got supported in ID4tags, I simply did that.  Again, Winamp won’t transfer folder.jpg’s during a sync, so I would have to run MP3Tag against my music on my Fuze to export the embedded tags to a folder.jpg. 

It didn’t take long, but once embedded album art was supported it was one step I didn’t have to do.   I don’t use thumbnail in Album list functionality because it slows down the response time in the list and displays less albums per screen.  Since I have quite a bit of albums I turn that off, so as long as it reads it in the tag, I’m good.

Fixed in last update.

@ehuber wrote:

I have downloaded and used 320x300 from Google with no display issues.  I don’t know what the upper limit is but considering the size of the display window I am betting it’s not much more then this size.



You have to realize that no matter what the size of the image is, it’s only going to be displayed at about 150 x 150. So even if you can stuff a larger image on it, it’s going to look like ■■■■ when it’s condensed down & re-sized for display on the screen.

Also it wants plain 'ol ordinary white-bread style .jpg images only. There have been a few people here who tried to save them as JPG 2000 or ‘Enhanced’ or someting like that. It didn’t work. When they went back and saved them as just plain .jpgs, they displayed properly. :wink:

As other’s have suggested, there’s a reason why some images display and others don’t. You have to play Sherlock Holmes and figure out what the similarities are among the ones that do and what the differences are in the ones that don’t. That is your key clue! 

There are quite a few discussions regarding album art here on the forum. I’d encourage you to do a search to see if anyone else’s issues are similar and what they did to fix them. :wink:

@ehuber wrote:

I have downloaded and used 320x300 from Google with no display issues.  I don’t know what the upper limit is but considering the size of the display window I am betting it’s not much more then this size.



You have to realize that no matter what the size of the image is, it’s only going to be displayed at about 150 x 150. So even if you can stuff a larger image on it, it’s going to look like ■■■■ when it’s condensed down & re-sized for display on the screen.

Also it wants plain 'ol ordinary white-bread style .jpg images only. There have been a few people here who tried to save them as JPG 2000 or ‘Enhanced’ or someting like that. It didn’t work. When they went back and saved them as just plain .jpgs, they displayed properly.

As other’s have suggested, there’s a reason why some images display and others don’t. You have to play Sherlock Holmes and figure out what the similarities are among the ones that do and what the differences are in the ones that don’t. That is your key clue! 

There are quite a few discussions regarding album art here on the forum. I’d encourage you to do a search to see if anyone else’s issues are similar and what they did to fix them. :wink: