I was thinking about importing an 8GB (silver) from the US, however if us brits are getting the 8GB in black then I will wait. Given that there is no mention of it on the US Sandisk site what are the chances of a black 8GB actually appearing anywhere?
Black is the universally accepted bulletproof color. It’s resistant to blemishes, and has an elegance of its own.
If SanDisk will let the novelty of applying silver paint to the higher capacity Clip and Fuze wear off (sorry for the paint pun), black will be quite popular.
Silver has the disadvantage of showing the slightest blemish, necessitating a heavy clear coating.
But how likely does anybody think these ‘pre-orders’ are accurate? Has anybody seen or heard of an 8GB Fuze in black in production? Or is it likely that come the release date in the UK (whenever that is!) only the silver will be avaliable as 8GB? Because if that is the case I will just import a silver one now.
A Sansa rep. told me that they currently do not have a Black 8gb Fuze. I know because i started a topic on it lol. If they do now well…that ■■■■■ but i think i may go with a c200 series, at least they have a removable battery.
I dont think that is the case, I have checked French, German and UK sites and they all list the 8GB Fuze as avaliable in black only. That’s good news for me as that is exactly what I want.