I’ve recently;y bought the 4tb extreme pro ssd to use with my Mac M1 Pro Max but it fails every time I try to load it with files. The drive is not recognisable to the computer and the only way to sort this is to re-format and start again. It will occasionally work for a short amount of time before failing again. This is actually the second 4tb sandisk drive I’ve used for this. Both drives were displaying the same problems. After the first one failing I sent it back thinking it may just be faulty but the replacement drive is doing exactly the same thing.
These are expensive drives and work is important for people! Are there known problems here?
I’ve never had issues with my 2 tb sandisk ssd’s but am having no luck at all with the 4tb drives!
Every time I re-format and fill the drive with my sample libraries it takes hours and hours (essentially a work day). I’ve lost so much time to this!