Hello. Recently my 4GB Sansa Clip has started flashing the “Not enough space for music DB. Please free 30MB” error. I tried the solution in the FAQ, but my Clip will not boot in MSC mode - when I connect it to the computer, I flip the switch to orange, hold down the center button, then I plug it in, and it says “Not enough space for music DB. Please free 30MB” and shuts off. Same with attempting a reset - it says “Not enough space for music DB. Please free 30MB” and shuts off.
When it’s connected to the computer, it shows up as “E: Removable Disk,” but if I click on it, Explorer freezes and crashes. Right now I’d be happy with formatting it just so I can use it again, but command line crashes when I try to format it that way, and Disk Management freezes until I disconnect the Clip.
Any ideas?
saintsmythe wrote:
I tried the solution in the FAQ, but my Clip will not boot in MSC mode - when I connect it to the computer, I flip the switch to orange, hold down the center button, then I plug it in , and it says “Not enough space for music DB. Please free 30MB” and shuts off.
Are you starting with the unit off? Then put the HOLD switch on, press & hold the center button and plug in the cable (already plugged nto the computer) to your Clip. Continue pressing on the center button until the computer recognizes it.
It also helps to already have Windows Explorer (My Computer) open before plugging in the device.
Yup, just tried again. Had unit off, then turned HOLD on and plugged it into computer while holding down the center button. The 30MB message came up, and I kept holding the center button. After about 60 seconds, the computer made the “device attached” sound, then about ANOTHER 60 seconds later, “E: Removable Disk” showed up on My Computer. I kept holding the middle button for about another two minutes with no change, and the Green Bar of Death stuck behind the “X” and not moving.
Clicking on E: brought up another Green Bar of Death before crashing Explorer, like before.
Sounds like you might have a bad cable. Try another one; many cell phones use a USB - Mini-USB connector cable.