2100: Detection error on HDD0

I bought the sandisk ultra 3d 500 gb model and installed it on my computer. Then, I bought the 1TB model to increase its capacity and in the same way, I removed the old one and installed the new one properly. I installed the operating system with the original Windows 10 license and installed all the drivers. But every 15-20 minutes after startup, I get the error 2100: Detection error on HDD0. The SSD is solid, there is no problem with the hard disk in both the Sandisk dashboard and the Lenovo Thinkpad diagnostic application. Since YouTube videos did not provide a solution, I wanted to write here. I would be very happy if anyone can help.

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Hi @tolgang
Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the SD Technical Support team for best assistance and troubleshooting:

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All good now?

No eddie thanks for mesaage. I bought via amazon and sandisk ssd did not properly work. Such as boot or sometimes on the work. So I
Returned to amazon

26 May 2024 Paz, saat 16:30 tarihinde EddieMiskell via SanDisk Forums <notifications@sandisk.discoursemail.com> şunu yazdı:

I am having same issue.

Seems he is not here.