All menus and songs not showing any text

@cjr71244 wrote:

my power switch is on the top, this is a sansa clip+ 8gb firmware v01.02.15a

when I hold the power switch down for 20 seconds or more the player starts up after 2 seconds of pressing the button and then shuts down because I am still holding the button.


is there a way to reload the firmware?

Yes, the Clip+ does have a different reset procedure than the original Clip. Start with the player on, then hold the power button down for a slow count to 20. Yes, the unit may power off after just a couple seconds, but continue to hold the button down for the full count.

Is there a way to re-load the firmware? Sure, just go to the Sansa Clip+ Firmware Update 01.02.15 post (top post on this board) and follow the manual installation directions.