Write protected flash drive has no solution please read


Im quoting my responce from SanDisk Company


 Response Via Email (Veronika B.)  
Dear SanDisk Customer,
Thanks for emailing SanDisk Technical Support. It is our goal to make sure you have all the resources you need to get the most from your product.
I am sorry to hear that your flash drive is write protected. I understand that you have already tried formatting the drive under Disk Management, like indicated in your original email. Unfortunately, if this troubleshooting step did not help, it means that the flash drive has failed and would need to be replaced. Normally, we recommend returning the device to the place of purchase as it was proven to be the least time consuming option. If for any reason, they refuse to provide you with this service, we would be more than happy to replace the flash drive for you. Please be advised, that you will need to return the faulty item to your local depot at your own expense."
I hope that they will find a solution for this... 
so, I guess i need to replace that..
**bleep** happens.. 
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Devices fail sometimes but if I may ask, how long have you had this device already? 

for 3 months… even less… 

I was copying some files and in the middle the usb stick stopped to work like somebody eject it purposely.

then this happened.

i think I have gurantee. so I’ll replace it. 

too bad I can’t solve this problem

Many people are having this same issue with their USB flash drives from Sandisk just “becoming” write protected. Including me. One sollution might be this: When you buy the new flash drive, it is formatted in the FAT32 system. Format the new and empty flash drive in NTFS an you will not experience this issue agian. So far that seems to be correct. 

Now,  for those of us who bought a $60 USB flashdrive (e.g. Ultra), let’s just hope we’ve kept the reciept and the guarantee-slip. I’ll return my own first thing monday morning. 

Sometimes due to Potential fault in the drives it becomes Write-protected to prevent loss of data from the drive.

Currently there is no solution for the same.

If its more than 30days from Purchase, then contact sandisk Support for Replacement of the Flash Drive.

Though Free return n Shipment is applicable in US only.

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hi i have a kingston flash drive but system not formating my flash drive any software for formating the flash drive? …

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