what is better revision 1 or revison 2 and what is the difference?
@jonesang wrote:
what is better revision 1 or revison 2 and what is the difference?
They are Identical in their use. The difference other than release date, is that there are some internal hardware differences but not that effect functionallity/ Wheather you get a v1 or v2 they are exactly the same, for you. (You wont be rewireing it so the internals dont matter)
Yes, as far as use goes there shouldn’t be much difference.  Except possible hardware improvements and bug fixes.  I’ve never seen anything from Sansa on this.  Curious minds want to know the details.   I have noticed a battery life improvements on the Rev 2 vs Rev 1 CLIP.  20 hours vs 17 hours of play time on the same controlled test.  This could be variation, but might be a result of revision changes.  :)  I’d like to know from SansaFix if he is allowed to share.Â
Message Edited by niko_sama on 02-01-2009 04:17 PM
There really isn’t that much of a difference to revision 1 or 2. I’d say that they are equally the same, but revision 1 I think had a little bit rougher of a back than revision 2.
That might have been my fault for that, but I noticed that as I owned my revision 1, before the **bleep** diswasher murdered the poor little guy.
But, both of them are good, so don’t worry about it!
@jonesang wrote:
what is better revision 1 or revison 2 and what is the difference?
Did you copy and paste this question from the FAQ thread that is stickied at the top of the forum?