WD Sync for Mac Loses Settings Menu

I just installed WD Sync on a MacBook Pro (Yosemite 10.10.5). It starts syncing, but then a minute or two later, the WD menu at the top loses most of its menu items (like “Settings…”). Now the only menu item left is the one to “Open Local My Cloud folder”. Rebooting seems to bring it back. But now it is getting stuck syncing a file and keeps signing out/signing back in repeatedly.

I uninstall/reinstalled. Worked for a minute, then the same problem – the menu items disappeared.

Anyone else ever see this? I think I may need to choose a different Sync program for the Mac. WD Sync acting very weird.

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I am experiencing the same Problem on my IMac… This is really annoying since I cant acces the settings anylonger and the syncing does not work.

It appears that this happens after the mac goes into energy saving mode.


I too am experiencing the same problem on my iMac… am unable to access the settings at all, never have been, and the syncing does not work.


Hey Brett, new to this forum but problem is obviously old. My WD Sync keeps dropping all menu choices (including Settings) except for the same two. Why has WD been so quiet on this ? Is this what I am to expect from their support folks ?