I am having a problem installing WD Smartware. I’ve downloaded WD_SmartWare_Installer_2.4.6.3 and run the installation on Windows 7. However when I get to the screen showing the green progress bar and the text “installing WD Smartware” on the top left, it moves onto the next screen before the green process bar moves entirely to the right.
After the installation, there is no icon on the desktop and no other files called “WD Smartware” anywhere on the computer.
Tried installing multiple times without any success. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Because you have Windows 7 there are a couple of ways to find the WD SmartWare. You can click on Start and in the search box type WD SmartWare. It should show you where it is.
Second click on Start>All Programs and scroll down to Western Digital. Click on that and you should see the WD SmartWare folder. See image below. Perform a right click on it and you can choose Pin to Start Menu or Send To>Desktop (Create Shortcut).
Yes, same problem here on my 64 bit machine. I think it is a 64 bit issue since my 32 bit machine loaded well. Go to search programs at windows icon in bottom left of windows desktop. Enter wd smartware and it should show. Then create a desktop shortcut before opening the file.
I just bought a 4Tb MyCLoud and it is so slow in calling up WD software it is painful. Have to say loading several computer’s files into the Mycloud device that acts as my server was fast on my ethernet network and that’s what is important to me.