WD Smartware causing BSOD

I get the blue screen of death after installing WD Smartware on my new laptop. It worked fine on my old laptop. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling several times, but the PC always crashes soon after reinstalling. I have left a period of a few weeks before reinstalling to see if I still get the BSOD anyway, but I don’t. The laptop is an HP Envy 360 running Windows 10. Any ideas to solve this problem would be much appreciated.

From my exp smartware is very dated and useless, Please use backup that comes with windows 10

@Hockers What version of SmartWare do you have? I have this. image

I have Windows 10 Home with all updates on both my Laptop and Desktop and SmartWare works well.

If you don’t have the latest update of SmartWare you can get it here.

Thanks cat0w, but I have the same version of Smartware as you show there. It worked fine on my old Windows 10 laptop and also works on my wife’s laptop, so it’s a bit of a mystery.

Have you had any luck? I didn’t realize what was going on until today and sent my new laptop in for repair twice. Today, I rebuilt it one item at a time and realized that Smartware was the problem all along. I uninstalled it and no more BSOD. Have you found a fix or workaround? I can get around a computer okay, but I’m no geek. Is there away to use My Book Live Duo without Smartware?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

I see that you can use Windows Backup, but does anyone know if you can access any of the old backups without a running copy of Smartware?

Hi Misty,

No, I’ve not had any luck resolving this. I’m living without backups to the WD MyCloud at the moment. I’ve got an alternative back up running, so my data isn’t at risk, but that’s not really the point. I’ve got a reasonably expensive piece of kit currently sitting in the corner doing nothing!!

You should still be able to access everything that is on your external drive without Smartware, though.


Thanks for getting back to me! Very frustrating! I’m pop back in if I ever find a solution.
Have a great night,