WD My passport


     I have my passport external hard drive, before i have used it with  my laptop with is working, but i tried to opened in the office in desktop, as soon i inserted  the USB it will asked for the password, once i encoded it , the computer hang up,  im afraid maybe my files are lost. Do you have any idea how can i open it again, its like stock up there and not creating another drive to open the files. On my computer , its the unlocker only that shows. Does it work automatically, or do i have something to install? The PC is only windows XP , version 2002. Hope you can help with this, or i will try it in internet shop.

You have the same issues in your laptop?  It sounds like the data is corrupted.  Try using another USB cable, up to 18 inches.  You may need to reformat the drive:   http://wdc.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3865/session/L2F2LzEvc25vLzEvdGltZS8xMzI4MTEzNDgwL3NpZC90dTVqRUNQaw%3D%3D