When I connect my driver to a Windows 7 PC, I’m able to put files on the drive, but I’m unable to delete those files. If I start deleting, the classic progression bar comes up, which never stop. I waited a long time, but after 1 hour I can’t believe it can’t delete a 5 MB file…
I have a laptop too, it had Windows 10 before, and I could delete files there, but then I switched it back to Windows 7 and the same happens there.
Any idea? I don’t use any WD programs, I do everything manually in the explorer
OFF problem: I don’t know if it matters, but it can’t use the 3.0 USBs. It has the matching cable, it should be able, but when I connect it to a 3.0 it only gets power, I’m not able to reach it with the explorer.
Well, those files which are not deleting on the PC might be used by the operating system or any software which is using those files, try to have a look at the task manager and find the appropriate application which is using those files.
I connected my Passport. The only thing I saw were some system stuff (E.$LogFile (NTFS Volume Log) and E:$Mft (…) and stuff like that. I waited some time so these things disappear or something reappears… then the same thing happened like when I delete stuff: my stytem “froze”, as in not screen freeze, but programs wouldn’t start, youtube videos would stop, everything would stop and not work. When I pulled out the passport everything continued to work (for example I started a windows explorer, but nothing happened, and when I pulled out the thing the explorer came up).
Something’s really weird here. Nothing is using the Passport according to the Resource Monitor. I checked SMART, everything’s fine. Maybe do a chdsk?