WD My Passport 1 TB not recognized

So ive had this hard drive for a couple months now and today it just doesnt want to connect to my desktop. When i plug it in it spins and lights up like usual but it is not found on my computer. I havn’t dropped it or unplugged it unproperly. Also when i connect it to my laptop it works perfectly and everything is still there. I even formatted it and it still wont connect to my desktop. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

This case sounds like a driver issue or a letter issue.

How is the drive showing on disk management?

Check the links below.

How to access Disk Management in Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8 to manage hard drives

WD external drive is not assigned a drive letter by Windows or Mac OSX and data on the drive is inaccessible

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thank you so much i followed the second links instructions and after unplugging my computer and restarting it it seemed to have fixed my issue.


Glad to hear that.

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