WD GREEN SATA SSD error sandisk milpitas SSD

the pc rebooted and the disk began to be detected as sandisk milpitas SSD ata device.

I connected it to other PCs and it detects it as well.

cannot be used or formatted

Hi, i have the same problem.
my 240gb green SSD fail, after installing de SO in other old disk, the SSD is detected as "Sandisk Milpitas SSD (ATA) anda i can´t recover it.

it’s a hardware problem I sent it under warranty

same here.
turned to 16Kb coaster
BIOS sees it as Sandisk Milpitas, was Sandisk SSD Plus 480GB
with no recovery possible

same problem here with wd green 480 gb , any solution yet ?

I also have to same problem no solution disk is in warranty data, they said it will replace but loss of data

My WD Green WDS480G3G0A stopped being recognized at all. If i plug it with Safe Mode enabled (short J1 connector on SSD board) it is recognized as “Sandisk Milpitas SSD” 16-kb block device. But WD SSD Dashboard application doesn’t display it in list of available devices, so i can’t update firmware.

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Backup your data as jumpers etc aggravate risk

Buy a NAS box

Don’t worry data can be retrieved.
Step 1.Remove the SSD from laptop.
2. Using a desktop pc just connect the SSD with the power connector. (Don’t connect the data cable.)
3. Swich on the power. Wait fo 45 minutes. Switch off the pc.
4. Then reconnect ssd to laptop.
5. After switching on backup your data.
6. Send for warranty replacement.
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