WD Elements 2TB Slow Transfer Rate

I have a WD Elements 2TB External Hdd, and sometimes not working properly…
It doesnt happen all time, just when I started the computer, you can understand…
It is a still under warranty and sent the technical service and the technical service sent me back new one, but even the product is new, i have still the same problem…
I think that the problem is occur because of operation system or my mainboard.
The OS is Windows 8.1 Professional.
The mainboard is Gigabyte H55M-D2H,

and driver of the mainboard is updated and WD my book 500 GB is connected and not any problem. I also tried the my External hdd with another computer, i havent meet any problem. 

Well the first sign of the problem is that when Windows just started so i see the desktop, the hdd’s led is blinking about 20 seconds. Normally it should take just 2-3 seconds but generally it takes like 20 seconds. I think that when the hdd started like that, i think that there is a problem on the hdd. And after when i tried to copy files from the hdd, maximum copy speed is changing between 800kb/s and 1 mb/second. Normal copy speed should be up to 30 mb/seconds. To solve this problem, I should shut down the hdd or reset my computer.
This problem is not happening repeatedly, if I shutdown PC 10 times, i just meet this problem twice time.

I think current of the mainboard is not enough to start the hdd. Because I have a friend who also has WD external hdd and he uses a macbook and he has similar problem…

Hello and welcome to the WD Community.

Have you check your computer for viruses?

Testing the unit on different USB port gives you the same results?

Are you using the drive on a USB 2.0 or 3.0?


No viruses on my computer.

I changed the USB port but the problem continues.

My motherboard USB 2.0 supported.

Data Lifeguard Diagnostic <

I’ve read a bunch of now closed threads on this.  Pity I didn’t read them before purchasing :frowning:

My brand new Elements 2 TB external is attached to a WD My Cloud’s USB 3 port, and is being used for Time Machine backups.  It’s painfully slow compared to an old Hitachi 2TB that I had connected earlier in a cheap 3rd party enclosure.

At first I thought “OK, this is a ‘Green’ drive, it’s meant to be a bit slower”.  But it’s not just a bit slower.  It’s glacial.  So far I’d estimate that it’s between one-fith and one-seventh the speed of other external drives, when attached to a WD My Cloud.

Ironically, one of the earlier drives I tried was an old WD My Book for Mac 2TB.  It was USB 2, and I blamed the slow speed on that.  But this brand new USB 3 drive is no faster.

Just awful.