Why does the buffer stop after a short time with a high data rate video file when I try to stream it from the flash drive to my iPad.
The training videos do not experience this buffer halting. If I halt the streaming of the example video, say the one on Streaming, it continues to buffer till the whole video has been temporarily stored on my iPad.
The video example on streaming plays very nice. 1280x720 at 23 fps is very acceptable. When I select video compression when sending a video created on my iPhone up to the Flash Drive, the compression performed is very poor. I go from 1920x1080 at 29 fps to 568x320 at 30fps. Who in their right mind would find that acceptable. If you are going to offer a “tweak”, at least let us tweak the tweak to hopefully find an acceptable trade off.
From the product information on the SanDisk website and on the packaging I see that they define HD video as 720p at a max bit rate of 2Mb/s and a maximum of 3 simulations streams. This would indicate the WFD can only stream out at around 6Mb/s. You can check the bitrate of the video file using a program called MediaInfo, if the bitrate is higher than 6Mb/s you would likely see buffering based on this calculation. From what it looks like the compress on upload option would be used to ensure you will be able to stream without buffering to multiple devices and it looks like it was more designed for mobile phones than tablets.
You could use other video conversion applications to reduce the bitrate of the videos if needed. There are many free applications that can assist with this type of conversion.
Exactly. The problem, as I could see so far, is with the mov video used in the iOS systems . I did this test: I converted a Mov video to MP4 and the Streaming problem was solved.