[v0.4.1]video4fuze [Outdated]

@ssorgatem or @ewelot

Again, thanks to both of you.  I am one of those Windows users you’ve helped out immensly with this.  I am also one of those that would like to preserve the aspect ratio on my videos.  From the Video4fuze 0.2 advanced preferences section, these are the default Mencoder pass 1 and pass2 command lines:

Pass 1: 

mencoder -ffourcc DX50 -ofps 20 -vf pp=li,expand=:::::224/176,scale=224:176,harddup -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=683:vmax\_b\_frames=0:keyint=15:turbo:vpass=1 -srate 44100 -af resample=44100:0:1,format=s16le -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=128

Pass 2:

mencoder -ffourcc DX50 -ofps 20 -vf pp=li,expand=:::::224/176,scale=224:176,harddup -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=683:vmax\_b\_frames=0:keyint=15:vpass=2 -srate 44100 -af resample=44100:0:1,format=s16le -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=128

How would I edit these in order to preserve aspect ratio on my videos?  Is it as simple as inserting “-aspect=16:9” ?  If so, where, and in which pass (or both)?  (Please excuse the total n00bishness, but you’ve got to admit this is fairly advanced for the uninitiated! :slight_smile:

Thanks again.

@marqck wrote:

used the GUI

the error appeared after clicking the ‘convert’ button


Message Edited by marqck on 08-21-2009 01:46 AM

I received the same error - removed the spaces from the entire path (not just the file name), and was able to convert.  This is with ver 0.2 of video4fuze.exe.

@ssorgatem wrote:

@struct wrote:

 Debian lenny has only python-qt4 4.4.2-4 and I really dont like backports unless I really need them. So I put a comment # before that line and now it works.



Have you tried version 0.2? There it *should* start without having to edit any line. You even have a .deb available.

I think I was a bit too optimistic yesterday. The conversion (with 0.1) seemed to work fine and it produced a video file, that worked under linux (caffeine). But today I putonto the fuze and it starts fine, but atabout 3:48 it stops and I have to restart my fuze.

Today I tried the deb for 0.2. The problem with  the error message no longer exists and video4fuze starts fine. But the conversion does not work. I think the two mencoder calls are the problem. They finish much too fast. And then there is no file to replex and avi-mux crashes.

Here is the output from the console:

jba@lisa:~$ video4fuze /usr/bin/xterm Your version of PyQt4 seems a bit out of date. This may lead to problems. And ma y not :) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/video4fuze/GUI/MainWindow.py", line 221, in on\_actionSelect\_o utput\_folder\_triggered self.tableWidget\_2.item(row,1).setText(self.output) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'setText' Calling mencoder #1 Calling mencoder #2 temporary files are: {'/home/jba/.wine/drive\_c/Pink\_Floyd.temp.avi': '/home/jba/video/archiv/Pink\_Flo yd.avi'} Calling avi-mux GUI using wine Opening file: C:\Pink\_Floyd.temp.avi err:listview:LISTVIEW\_WindowProc unknown msg 2006 wp=00000000 lp=00000000 Unicode flag: 1 wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0x00000048 at address 0x415add (th read 0009), starting debugger...

 Unfortunately I wasnt able to copy the output from the mencoder windows.


Ouch, how buggy has turned out to be this release…

I’m uploading a 2.1 version with some of these bugs fixed, please, try it. (well, wait some minutes for it to finish to upload, my maximum upload speed is about 20 Kb/s, so it takes looong to upload…)

@porkapalooza wrote:

@ssorgatem or @ewelot


Again, thanks to both of you.  I am one of those Windows users you’ve helped out immensly with this.  I am also one of those that would like to preserve the aspect ratio on my videos.  From the Video4fuze 0.2 advanced preferences section, these are the default Mencoder pass 1 and pass2 command lines:


Pass 1: 

mencoder -ffourcc DX50 -ofps 20 -vf pp=li,expand=:::::224/176,scale=224:176,harddup -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=683:vmax_b_frames=0:keyint=15:turbo:vpass=1 -srate 44100 -af resample=44100:0:1,format=s16le -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=128



Pass 2:

mencoder -ffourcc DX50 -ofps 20 -vf pp=li,expand=:::::224/176,scale=224:176,harddup -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=683:vmax_b_frames=0:keyint=15:vpass=2 -srate 44100 -af resample=44100:0:1,format=s16le -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=128



How would I edit these in order to preserve aspect ratio on my videos?  Is it as simple as inserting “-aspect=16:9” ?  If so, where, and in which pass (or both)?  (Please excuse the total n00bishness, but you’ve got to admit this is fairly advanced for the uninitiated! :slight_smile:


Thanks again.

I’ve converted some 16:9 videos with de default options and they do preserve the aspect ratio.

And yes, I admit its fairly advanced for every mortal soul in the universe who hasn’t read the almighty man of mencoder (this includes me). It’s because of that that it’s under the “Advanced” menu :slight_smile:

PD: New version uploaded, with some bugfixes. I won’t be back until september so you won’t see any update or post from me until then. Then I may be able to resolve the windoze-does-not-like-utf-8-paths error.

@porkapalooza wrote:

How would I edit these in order to preserve aspect ratio on my videos?  Is it as simple as inserting “-aspect=16:9” ?   If so, where, and in which pass (or both)?  (Please excuse the total n00bishness, but you’ve got to admit this is fairly advanced for the uninitiated! :slight_smile:


Thanks again.

Yes, it works this way. I used this additional mencoder option for 16:9 anamorphic video sources. Without that option my converted video would appear vertically squeezed. You can put it as first argument in both mencoder calls.

@ssorgatem wrote:
Ouch, how buggy has turned out to be this release…

I’m uploading a 2.1 version with some of these bugs fixed, please, try it. (well, wait some minutes for it to finish to upload, my maximum upload speed is about 20 Kb/s, so it takes looong to upload…)

Just tried 0.2.1. Same problem as with 0.2: console windows for memcoder just pop up for split second. There must be something wrong with the mencoder call. Then, winavi crashes, since there is no input file.

Unfortunately I have no idea how to debug this. How could I pause the mencoder console in order to read what goes wrong?


struct wrote: 


Unfortunately I have no idea how to debug this. How could I pause the mencoder console in order to read what goes wrong?



Start video4fuze  from the command prompt.  I suggest you to get a decentterminal-emulator for windows, as the default cmd could’nt ■■■■ more than it does.

I won’t be able to work on video4fuze until september, thoght.  You have all the source in subversion, so if anyone would like to try to fix the bugs remainig, feel free to do so :slight_smile:

How Do Install This Program  Plz Tell Step By Step With A Little Bit Of ScreenshotS

Does this work with windows vista? Sorry, I’m really not computer savvy and don’t know much about such things.

I’ve just tried the latest version with a variety of videos, 4:3, 16:9 and 15:10, and aspect ratio is preserved automatically so thanks again, a very nice tool.

I got an error while converting under windows vista

@struct wrote:

Just tried 0.2.1. Same problem as with 0.2: console windows for memcoder just pop up for split second. There must be something wrong with the mencoder call. Then, winavi crashes, since there is no input file.


Unfortunately I have no idea how to debug this. How could I pause the mencoder console in order to read what goes wrong?



Think I found the problem now: permissions!

  1. When the .deb file is installed, avimuxgui is copied to /usr/share/video4fuze/avimuxgui. However, this directory is per default not writeable for a normal user, but the windows program tries to write to its configuration files in the installation directory. Thats why avimuxgui didnt work. As a solution I link/copy avimuxgui to a local directory (users home account), where the configuration can be written.
  2. mencoder always creates temparary files for the 2pass encoding. In the shell script the directory is changed to /usr/share/video4fuze, before video4fuze is started. Thus, mencoder tries to create the tempoaray files in this folder, where the user is not allowed to write. As a result, mencoder doesnt work

To solve this I used the following starter script for video4fuze:

#!/bin/sh # installation directory V4FDIR=/usr/share/video4fuze # where to put local (per user) installation of avimuxgui if [-z "$WINEPREFIX"] then DRIVEC=$HOME/.wine/drive\_c else DRIVEC=$WINEPREFIX/drive\_c fi # install local avimuxgui if it does not exist yet if [! -d $DRIVEC/avimuxgui] then mkdir -p $DRIVEC/avimuxgui # link everything that does not need to be writeable ln -s $V4FDIR/avimuxgui/\* $DRIVEC/avimuxgui/ # make local copies for files, that need to be writeable cp -f "$V4FDIR/avimuxgui/config.ini.amg" $DRIVEC/avimuxgui/ cp -f "$V4FDIR/avimuxgui/gui.amg.xml" $DRIVEC/avimuxgui/ fi python $V4FDIR/video4fuze.pyw

 I also changed fuze.py to reflect the new loaction of avimuxgui:

# jba 2009-08-24 wineprefix = os.environ.get('WINEPREFIX') if wineprefix != None: amgexe = os.path.join(os.path.join(wineprefix,"drive\_c"),"avimuxgui","AVIMux\_GUI.exe") else: amgexe = os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'),".wine/drive\_c/avimuxgui","AVIMux\_GUI.exe") call(["wine",amgexe,"C:\\fuze.amg"]) # jba 2009-08-24

  instead of


 And I added a line to remove the log-file from mencoder

else: print "\'" + argument + "\'" + ": file not found" # jba 2009-08-24 os.remove("divx2pass.log") # jba 2009-08-24 print "temporary files are: " print tempfiles

With these changes, everything runs fine.

If someonewants to try, before ssorgatem is back, just send me an email to and send the changed files.



you havn’t selected an output folder…

I got the same message even if the output folder is selected. Vista shows “progrom stopped working” and then the error message prompted.

That’s weird…

Please Can Some Tell Me The Requirements For video4fuze Because I Download It And Open It Something Pops Up Asking Me What Program You Want To Open This So Please Someone Help Me Because Sansa Media Player Always Act Up On My Computer When Converting Videos

I Just Got Windows Xp SP3


If you don’t require a GUI program on linux you might try my all-in-one bash script pvc.sh as an alternative. It has of cause much less dependencies and should run on any linux distribution.


Download the windows version zip file. Extract its contents (all) into a new directory on your computer (maybe c:\v4f). Then navigate to that directory and double click on the video4fuze.exe file

It should run fine.

Message Edited by timn on 08-25-2009 02:39 PM

Hey great work. the Fuze needs an aditional converter. Thanks.

It’s not working under Windows 2000 Professional SP4. I’ve tried to use both the linux-style package (with all aditional software needed installed, with the exception of wine, of course) and the windows package. Neither are working. IT has to do with having pyqt4 installed. Python3.1 isn’t recording pyqt4 as a module. This results in the following error message in the log file:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File “video4fuze.pyw”, line 4, in <module>
  File “zipextimporter.pyo”, line 98, in load_module
ImportError: MemoryLoadLibrary failed loading PyQt4\QtGui.pyd

Have fun bug hunting! :smiley:

I converted a video using the windows version, the video played great, I paused the vid, but when I hit play it played for a couple of frames then froze the player, I had to do a reset on the fuze.

Anyone else had this problem?