Unlock.exe no longer accepts my password?

Hello everybody,

i am little bit nervous to lose all the data (the work of years) on my 1TB My Passport 2,5" external HDD.

Some days ago i have changed the unlock password from a 13 character long password

to a 56 character long password (just to prevent possible brute-force attacks). Additionally i have updated

the Smartware software to the latest version. Well, i wish never did that (never touch a running system :cry:)…

After i changed the password to the new one i checked if it is working and everything was fine…until yesterday.

Since yesterday Smartware/Unlock.exe isn’t accepting the password anymore! It is definitely entered correctly

(i have written it to a piece of paper as well). I also tried to connect and access the drive on another PC,

without success. Keyboard is ok (no caps lock active or something like this) and i have not changed any hardware.

No i have used 4 of 5 password tries and do not dare to go on. I don’t want to lock me out completely.

Any ideas? :cry:

When you get the message thet you have used all your tried remove the drive safely then reconnect and you should get 5 more attempts. There is no reset or workaround for this. The data is hardware encrypted so removing the drive from enclosure is useless.


Thanks for your reply but the problem is not the amount of tries left,

the problem is the password isn’t working…and i am 110% sure it is


Today i found the solution and i am happy as **bleep** i did not gave up to early!!! :smileyvery-happy:

The WD support team i contacted was not a big help regarding this problem.

All they did was telling me that the data is lost and i should reformat the disk.

Thanks to god i refused to do so, otherwise i would have lost important data.

Now, what have i done? I followed my first thought regarding what might have

caused all this misery: changing the password from 14 characters to 56…

Noone was able to tell me if there is a limitation regarding the size of the password

and there is nothing in the manual or in any forums as well. So i tried my password

(which i knew to be 100 % correct) in single character steps from 1 to… 25!

My 56 character long password was simply cutted down to the first 25 characters

by Smartware or whatever…

Bing, Drive unlocked…

Well, don’t know if this was just a unique phenomen for my drive/software, but maybe

it helps other peeople with the same problem…

BTW.: To try so many password variations you should try max 4 passwords, disconnect

the drive from the USB port, wait 10 sec (just to be sure the disk spin down is complete),

reconnect the drive to your USB, 4 more tries… and so on… there is no limitation for

this way…

