Unallocated data once the hard drive is put in another box


I have a WD MyBook 500G.

When plugged in the hard drive would be heard turning, but it would not be detected under the **bleep** manager ( Iam on Windows ).
I opened the box and the USB connector is hanging by a thread.

So I retrieved the hard drive, in which I just backuped everything before formating my computer.

And I put it on another box I have, a box that works just fine with some other hard drives.

The disk is detected but unallocated.

So is it just I have no luck, or is there something in the hardware that forbids the data my hard drive to be retrieved?

Drives that come with Smartware are hardware encrypted by the card with the USB port. If you still have the card see if you can get the USB port soldered back on and try in originlal case.


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Hi, Joe.

Thank you for your answer.

I got it fixed and got back my data.


Being locked out out of my data from a working hard drive because the box itself has a lock is unacceptable.

Especially when you seem to a very sloppy job whith the USB ports, the web is full of people complaining about it.

As soon as I have backed up everything this hard drive will go on the other box and be formated.
I will trash your box, never buy one of your product ever again, and because I am the one to whom my familly turns to for advice for the tech thingies, this will count for a few.

Not that you care, I know.

I don’t want any justification, as soon as I post I will close my tab and never come back.