I was using the drive on my mac
Suddenly i am unable to see the drive although i still can unlock it but the drive is not accessable
Me too. I am using WD My Passport Ultra 1 TB. It cannot be detected.
I searched you tube to try on any solution to format exFAT. Still unable to detect the disk.
I have wrote to contact WD support page. There is a support asked reply to me to download WD utilities App to test and format it. I have tried but it is still failed to format in Mac. or Window. Anyone or until now what did u do? Any expert or support able to help you in the end?
If there is any expert able to help me here kindly advise me below:
whatsapp +853 66266632
WeChat: buqianxin007
Many thanks!
ciao a tutti io invece devo sostituire l’Hard disk e volevo sapere che hard disk posso mettere sul mio My Book Live grazie
I have 7 Pass ports on my computer; I use them like 1 and 2 TB thumbdrives. I have been having the same problem with some of them periodically. This time it was 2 of them, and I found that going in an re-assigning the same Drive letter to them, fixed the problem at least for now. Look for Disk Mgmt. in Settings.
Hi Guys by the look of it seams that all we have the same problem with our external driver (I have a 1T DW my Passport external Driver ) and it can’t be open it show me an error I/O. And by the look of it is very common thing for those how bough this product pleas let me know if you found any solutions thank you.
I cannot access my passport on any of my 3 computers, the blue light comes on. I can feel the drive spinning. However none of the computers even recognize that it is there? I bought this as a back up drive, and it is not the first drive I have purchased from this company to ■■■■ out. How do I fix?
My Passport Ultra 1T as you can see from the screenshot shows up on Device Manager, however, it does NOT show up under Disk Management as all the self help instructions say it should.
I have to have the data off this hard drive!
I have done ALL the preliminary testing - the My Passport shows up under device manager, Instructions say, " Initialize Disk" - Use the following partition styles for the selected disks:
GPT (GUID Partition Table)
If I click OK, will I erase the data on the hard drive?
Why does not some one help us? I have five WD products now that will not work and I cannot get WD to answer me. I cannot not get them to be recognized on my Windows 10 PC or laptop. I have five My Books and one My Passport that will not be recognized and I need help please.