My Passport external drive is no longer recognized on my Dell Computer that I use to regularly as my only back-up drive. The light on the external drive is on and I can hear it running.
This is the second WD device in the last several years that has experienced this problem. I face a risky situation as long as this problem remains unresolved.
If I cannot find a solution quickly I must purchase another backup drive quickly. However, I will never again use or trust a Western Digital product and will actively tell others not to also. This repeated problem indicates some sort of basic issue with WD devices.
I’m having the same issue. I came to my desk and saw my computer had rebooted. But I could no longer see my external drive. When I rebooted again, it was like it was frozen. It was trying to read the drive or something. When I would disconnect it, the computer would come back to life. I’ve tried on two computers.
My computer will not recognize my WD Passport on any USB Drive. ALl my other flash drives work just fine. What is going on??? On Hcat support three times now for two hours waiting then I get kicked off VERY ANGRY ABOUT THIS
I do have same issue, the HDD bought in 2018 June, seldom use, now couldn’t see the HDD exist , when connected, it couldn’t shut down the computer, when power on, it is not able to boot. serious issue with WD HDD system.
I can’t see any true technical answers to the questions of T (tet888 Jan 13), T (Trish1 Jan 14), Y (yahyafarag Jan 15), K (KKTrout Jan 16), M (Magpie Junior Jan 18)
What kind of drive is used in WD My Pasport
Because i have the same problems, Hoping for a Solution keeping my saved Data
Otro con el mismo problema. My passport ha sido usado muy pocas veces, si acaso 1 o 2 veces al mes para consultar. Tengo otra unidad igual y los controladores están bien, el otro funciona, del cable tampoco es. No ha sufrido ningún golpe. Muy cuidado siempre.
De un día para otro no lo reconoce y bloquea absolutamente los ordenadores a los que lo conecto. No permite ni apagar los ordenadores. Si no hay forma de que lo reconozca, entiendo que no se puede hacer nada mas?. Está en garantía.
If it was moved recently from another PC, it may be because it was encrypted with Windows Bitlocker. Reconnect it to the old PC and run the decryption of the drive
I’m having this exact same problem and would really love for someone to get back to me/us on this. Is customer service for Western Digital completely nonexistent? I would hope that at least one employee will show up in this thread eventually.
Additionally, although I have been extremely careful with my 5 TB My Passport hard drive, not only did it stop being recognizable by my computer but it started making a clicking sound every time it was plugged in. At no point was the hard drive damaged in any way, and I have only had it for about 8 months.
I am having the same issue. Bought WD MY PASSPORT in 2018. Rarely uses it. Its kept in the original packaging in a cool and secure (dust free) environment. Went to retrieve some data today and my laptop advising me that the drive needs formatting. I am mad right now as i have very important data stored. Any solutions???