Ultra Flair USB 3.0 32GB Overheat & Crash/Fail

I have two brand new Ultra Flair drives that are acting very strange. They are said to get warm with sustained writing operations, these two drives get beyond warm, they get HOT, real hot. So hot that they fail and crash. The write operation fails, Error Copying File &  a Second error sceeen Device I/O Error on the Flash Drive Directory not accessible.

This happens with both drives on both USB 2.0 and also USB 3.0 ports or when connected to a USB 2.0/3.0 Hub. The drive functions normally for the first 2 mins then overheats and crashes, only during writing operations only.

This also occured when trying to encrypt the drive in Wiundows 10. The drives would encrypt normally for ~28% then overheat, crash, Windows would disable the device so that even when it was ejected and allowed to cool it was flagged and would not function again without rebooting windows. When the drive was reinserted after reboot, the encryption would start again where it left off.

The drive becomes too hot to handle with bare hands and needs to be allowed to cool for atleast a minute or risk first degree burn to your fingers.

I even went as far as to try freeze spray on the drive case to try and prevent the overheat and crash without any success.

Has anyone else had a simular experience?

I plan on returning these to the vendor I purchased them from.

Maybe some files don’t need to be encrypted?

The drives were empty and being prepared to be used later.
This does not matter. The drives overheating and crashing have nothing to do with whether or not the data being transfered/written is encrypted or not encrypted. It occurs during all write operations exceeding two minutes(USB3.0) in time. It happened with 1000 small files and with a hand full of large files. When using USB 2.0 the time to overheat was extended to about 4 minutes of time

Was just browsing for answers on this. I have the Ultra Fliar 128GB myself and I’ve been running into this same problem trying to write 60GB of data at once to the drive. Several of SanDisk’s 3.0 drives get super hot. I also had an Ultra Fit that did the same thing.

I just measured the temp on the backside of my 128GB ultra flair drive with a thermal leak detector. It registered 138-139 deg F, which explains why it is painful to touch more than a couple of seconds.

my friend had same issue.he fixed it by adding flash drives near pc fan where cold air came out.u need any usb extension cable

I’ve also faced this issue several times and it’s really annoying. Thanks for the fix, I’lll definitely try out the hacks that you have suggested, guess the problem will be getting rid off… 

In addition to that, if you’re facing any problems in it you can visit Google Technical Support …

I have the same problem with my Cruzer glide 3.0 I think it also broke my laptop