Probably a very simple question with a very simple answer, but is there any way of getting my Fuze to either stop at the end of an audiobook, or alternatively to automatically repeat the same book again (in the same way as you can have repeat track in the music files)? I’ve got a hypnotherapy audiobook which I keep dozing off during playback and waking up halfway through the next book! I think I’m ending up giving myself mixed messages…
chrisaw wrote:
I’ve got a hypnotherapy audiobook which I keep dozing off during playback and waking up halfway through the next book!
Guess it’s working then, huh? :smileyvery-happy:
Hmmm… what’s the _ “next book” _? Should we be worried?
The Fuze is technically my husband’s so I don’t listen to it much, but on my Clip, audiobooks end at the last track, stop playing and revert back to track one, paused. If I don’t respond, the Clip shuts itself off at the prescribed auto-shutoff timeout.
Since no one’s responding, does the Fuze behave differently than the Clip, and automatically start the next book?
I put the tracks from one book into a subfolder under \Audiobooks:
and I play them from Music|Audiobooks|{bookname}.
Message Edited by kmk_01kmk on 06-11-2010 12:38 PM