I’ve recently run into a spot of bother with my fairly new My Book Studio 2TB drive. Story is as follows: I bought the drive in September for use as a Time Machine backup. I formatted it (HFS+), disabled the VCD, labeled it Time Machine in the SmartWare and the the display worked perfectly, displaying the correct label and capacity.
Then, earlier this week, my current 1TB storage drive reached its storage limit and I had to reorganise my drives. The My Book Studio 2TB now became my main storage drive and backup was moved to another slower 2TB drive I had lying around. To move all my files from the previous 1TB drive to the My Book Studio 2TB, I opened disk utility, set the source to the 1TB drive and the destination to the My Book Studio 2TB. This worked perfectly and I now run everything off the My Book with only one hitch: The drive label is still stuck on “Time Machine”, the capacity indicator is stuck on the last reading it had before the restore and when I go to Settings in WD SmartWare the “Set Up Drive” button is greyed out, even though the drive is recognised by the software. Is there any way to fix this without removing the contents on the drive?
Thanks for answering. I’m not sure I dare uninstalling the SmartWare all together. As I mentioned, the VCD is currently disabled and since I can’t access the Drive Settings under the current SmartWare I have no way of enabling it. Furthermore, WD only offers software upgrades to SmartWare on their site and not a standalone installation. In other words - were I to uninstall SmartWare, I’m not sure I will have any way to install it again.
What I have tried is upgrading to which was announced the other day. No change :-/
You need to have it connected via USB while installing the software. I would recommend doing a complete uninstall (after downloading the update) and then reinstall using the update while connected via usb. You can then set the drive up via firewire and only use usb when you want to change the drive settings.
Wow, that worked wonderfully. I can even access drive settings via FW800 now. Hope WD fixes this bug in a later version of the software though. Having to change from FW to USB and reinstall the software isn’t the most easy or intuitive solution out there.