I purchased My Book Studio last week. The intention was to use on Imac ( Version 10.5.8) as an additional external hard drive. Unfortunately, WD Smartware was installed on first installation. I do not want to use it as a backup drive as I already have a time capsule installed for this purpose. At the moment when I double click on “My booK” icon, I get the screen with four tabs “Home, Backup, Retrieve and Settings”. The screen shows the different files on the Imac with as yet nothing in the My Book.
I tried to drag files from the Imac accros to the My book but would not even highlite. I have sent emails to WD Support but they are unable to understand my problem
I would just like to know how I go about setting up this hard drive to perform purely as an additional drive. Can it be reset as if out of the box and then start again.
Have some limited IT setup experience but this seems to be very confusing to get going.
Appreciate some help