My Book Studio LX for Mac - new iMac can't find

My old iMac crashed last week, new one just came in, all is well except my My Book is nowhere to be found - I’ve tried connecting via USB and Firewire, checked disk utility and it’s no where. When I open the WD software it says:

There is no writable WD SmartWare partition available on this WD drive. This can occur if you are attempting to write to a WD drive formatted for a different operating system, or if the drive is locked.
Please make sure that this WD drive is formatted for the operating system you are currently working on, and that the drive is unlocked.

It worked beautifully on my last mac, what gives?

You can try updating the Firmware on the drive. To update the firmware click here. Also please check with another computer to see if it’s a problem with the drive or with the new Mac you have now.