Sansa Clip Screen INOP

My son’s Sansa Clip will not show anything on the screen. I have tried resetting it and tried to attach to computer  - did not ercognize it. Not sure what else to do. My son claims he turned it on this mornig and nothing on the screen. Cannot verify that it is fully charged, but it does play the music on it. Any and all help is deeply appreciated:manindifferent:

The exact same thing happened to me today. Went to the Gym turned on my 4GB Clip and, although it works, the display is dead.

The “blue ring” still illuminates, and it still plays but it’s kind of hard to navigate around without a display.  Mine’s about 6 months

old - how long is the warranty on these things? 90days or one year?

I’m a bit fed up qith the Clip. My son is on his second (first one stopped charging after a ccouple months) and now mine is dead(ish).

My PC still sees the clip,  and I’ve tried the reset with no effect.

Does anyone have any ideas? 

just comments that come to mind:

  1. Some Sansa Clips had internet solder issues…    with leads breaking off the battery , onoff switch, and possibly display contact issues.    Some adventourous people have opened them up and operated on thier clips to reconnect the battery, or onoff switch or to reconnect the ribbon cable to the display.   Most had success, but i have a don’t think this is an option for everyone.

  2. Warranty is one year  from date of purchase.   I imagine a serial number would also verify the age of the product if you can’t find your receipt

3)  One could try flashing the firmware and formatting the internal memory.   But i do not believe this will help for a display thats not operating and the player still plays.   

TRY RMA’ing the clip through Sansa,   be sure to call thier support number and I wouldn’t recommend thier email.  1-866-726-3475

If you don’t get satisfaction ask for a supervisor.

just comments that come to mind:

  1. Some Sansa Clips had internet solder issues…    with leads breaking off the battery , onoff switch, and possibly display contact issues.    Some adventourous people have opened them up and operated on thier clips to reconnect the battery, or onoff switch or to reconnect the ribbon cable to the display.   Most had success, but I don’t think this is an option for everyone and don’t recommend it.

  2. Warranty is one year  from date of purchase.   I imagine a serial number would also verify the age of the product if you can’t find your receipt

3)  One could try flashing the firmware and formatting the internal memory.   But I don’t believe this will help for a display thats not operating and the player that still plays music.   

TRY RMA’ing the clip through Sansa,   be sure to call thier support number and don’t bother emailing them.  1-866-726-3475

If you don’t get satisfaction ask for a supervisor.