My screen is cracked and I can’t afford a new mp3. Unfortunately it was on repeat 1 song mode when it got cracked. I just need a walkthrough to how to turn repeat off. I can’t see my screen at all. I also would like to know how I could put it on playall mode instead of just one song. I’ve tried to reset it but it doesn’t work. I’ll be away from my own computer for a few months so I’d rather not format it because I will loose my original songs that I have on it. I also have an audio book on it so a walkthrough on how to access that will be helpful too.
hmmm I’m not sure how helpful this will be: Do you see anything at all on the screen?
My firmware version on the clip is : 01.01.30a
Starting point: When i turn on my clip it automatically starts playing my last song and obeys the shuffle / repeat options.
Pressing the small menu button I will be positioned on Music
Music (headphones icon) … if i click down i get the following menu items:
FM Radio
Music (back to music again)
if i click select on Music I will get the following features:
Play All
My Top Rated
Music Options
Play All (and back to play all)
If I am in play all and the song is playing: each down arrow will give the following:
Back to music List
Add song to Golist
Rate Song
Shuffle (off / on)
Repeat (All, Off, Song) **
Music EQ
Clear Golist
Delete Song
Back to music list (and back to music list again)
if in this menu i click Right arrow on Repeat ** for each time i press right arrow i will rotate the following 3 options
Lets start with the Clip off: so: If your clip is on… turn it off…
If your clip is now off, start by turning it on:
then click small menu button
then click select
then click select again to _ play all _ music
wait a few seconds and the songs should start playing. or if its on paused , un-pause it Click up
To change the repeat feature: while it is playing a song …
click select
click down 5 times
then to change repeat click right the options will be All, off, song and start over with all, off , song again. this will start with whatever option is currently set.
So if its set to Repeat Song. click Right once to change it to Repeat All , click right again to change it to Repeat Off
Click Select = middle button on wheel
Hope this helps, reply back if this did. and I will look at the audio books next time :) Or someone else might
Thank you so much that helped alot. now i’ll at least be able to navigate through it until i’m able to buy a new one.
This was good advice. However, the audiobooks are even more important to me. Would you be so kind to guide how to get there either from the starting menu or from where I am on “play all”. I managed to get into the audiobooks-section by your guide here, but as I cant just switch tracks by pressing left och right I am stuck. How do I change between audiobooks-tracks once I have managed to get in there?
Thank you for the help!
My screen has been broken for ages and after getting it to work once, after changing the music I couldn’t get it going again.
Now I have music again, from a source with an amazing volume output.
Then it suddenly only repeated the same song. Not sure how that started. But now I can turn that off. Great!