SanDisk Sport Clip GO clip breaks twice in past year with careful use

I have found complaints about the clips on SanDisk MP3 players breaking in a short length of time from 2009 to 2014, and my first Sport GO purchased 11/11/2021 broke after careful use late February 2022, and this was replaced under warranty in early March with a new device. About 3 months later, after trying to be so careful with the clip, it cracked again, but not being entirely broken through, we superglued the crack, and that lasted until it apparently spontaneous broke off while wearing it today, December 15, 2022. Apparently SanDisk cannot make clips that last more than a few months, which has been a design flaw for at least 13 years!! The MP3 player works fine and I really don’t want to replace the whole thing. Is there anyway to be able to replace the clip by itself???

Hi @DKAC1,

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