Sandisk Extreme 64G

I recently purchased an Extreme Sandisk 64G (45mb/s) card for my Canon T3i. I did some video with it. Then I tried to download the video onto my laptop. When I inserted the card, a prompt said that I had to format it. Luckily, it was just test video so that was not a problem.

I put the card back in the camera and formatted it, shot some more video and tried to download again. Again, the prompt said that it had to be formatted.

 I went to ( and followed the instructions there formatting the card to ex_FAT.

Now, when I insert it into my pc, the card reads as only being 1G.

Is there any way to correct this and have it format as 64G.?

I think you are in the wrong forum. You are talking about SD(HC)-Card, but this forum is about Solid State Drives - SSD (flash based HDD replacement).

Try the “Mememory cards” forum.