Im having an issue with a new sandisk ultra 64gb micro sdxc card i just got. I threw it in my phone and it said it had to be formatted, no problem, put it in my pc and went to format it and it said it couldnt be formatted in fat32. Help please.
_ Dear Dnlan _
In principle, there a compatibility issue.
The microSDXC, 64 GB, as all the UFD come factory formatted, and it’s neither necessary nor desirable, formatting.
That is, when the receiving device the card, _ “asks format”, _ we have to suspect that we have or two problems, or one of these two.
1- The _ microSDXC, 64 GB _ is a UFD, which comes with a special format: exFAT.
Then, if your phone does not have the SDXC logo is not compatible and will not recognize the card, and give error poster, etc.
2- When you try to format, in the PC, you must take into account the above, that is, give formatted in exFAT.
Also, you can not format a 64 GB UFD with FAT32, because it has the limit up to 32 GB.
Please, see the link:
Luck, and then you tell us, what happened, please.
Regards, Alfred. (Google translated)
@cacho wrote:
Also, you can not format a 64 GB UFD with FAT32, because it has the limit up to 32 GB.
(Google translated)
Sorry, but this is wrong. Yes, you can format a 64GB card (exFAT) to FAT32. But Windows won’t do it natively; you must use a dedicated formatting software.
Estimado/a Tapeworm
De mi más alta consideración:
Le agradezco, por su muy respetuosa actualización, pues es, de mi mayor gusto y me siento honrado de tener este intercambio con usted, un “SanDisknauta” con tanta experiencia (este es mi primer Forum y al principio, no me animaba a intervenir, y me sentía muy solo).
Después, de leer cientos de posts del Forum, si hay algo que yo aprecio, son justamente los suyos, siempre lógicos e inteligentes, respetuosos con el usuario (sin importarle su nivel de conocimiento), y sobre todo sin enojos, sarcasmos, ironías u hostilidades.
Además, siempre me gustó su habilidad para discernir, el problema que estaba detrás de algún mensaje confuso, mal escrito o mal explicado, para resolverle la inquietud a algún usuario desesperado por un inconveniente informático, que no era de su profesión.
Y, en atención a lo anterior, es que le respondo lo siguiente:
En este caso, mi respuesta a un usuario principiante, no fue incorrecta.
Fue una respuesta limitada adrede, para no complicarlo en su problema, en una primera etapa.
Como usted dice:
[But Windows won’t do it natively] -a ésto, me refiero yo-
[you must use a dedicated formatting software.] -ésto, evité yo agregar.
La demostración, es una respuesta antigua mía, a un usuario avanzado, en el que abundo con este tema y le recomiendo el software (free) [ USB Fat32Formatter 1.10, ], para formatear una pendrive de 64 GB con FAT32.
Lamentablemente, usted no la recuerda o no la leyó, pues desapareció (en alguna limpieza técnica), la página entera, que tenía ~11 mensajes, (03/03/2014).
Por supuesto, tengo el Backup (como recomiendan en el Forum, ja, ja ,ja…).
Transcribo párrafos:
[…Me parece que lo más práctico y simple (como decía Ockham), es mantener tu ‘UFD Extreme de 64GB’ en formato FAT32, el cual te permitirá usarlo, tanto en Windows como en MAC y sobre todo en ‘Players DVD de mesa’, y llevarlo en el bolsillo, lejos de “narices ajenas”…]
[…Bueno, pues hay programas de terceros, que permiten formatear en FAT32, superando ese límite (32 GB) y aprovechando así su versatilidad, para usarlo también en HDexternos…]
[…Entonces, puedes probar con Fat32Formatter1.10 (Portable, free)…]
Bueh, aprovecho además, para agradecer a SanDisk/Forum, por la extraordinaria (hace unos 10 años que soy Cybernauta) “Página Web” que mantiene tan generosamente, y por la oportunidad que da, y que dio a un usuario nuevo y desconocido, de habla española (Castellana) y de un lejano país; de participar y de evolucionar, en esta “Aventura del Pensamiento”, que es la “Revolución Informática”, y de la que SanDisk es un “Buque Insignia”).
Saludo atentamente, Alfred, Argentina
PD: Tapeworm, ahora me animo yo, a pedir su ayuda.
No encontré la manera, de insertar imágenes en mi respuestas, siempre me sale “…superó los 20000 caracteres…”, (grrrr, ja,ja,ja).
Dear Tapeworm
Of my highest consideration:
Thank you, for your very respectful update, because, it is my great pleasure and I am honored, to have this exchange with you, a “SanDisknaut” with so much experience (is my first Forum, and at first, I did not dare to post, and I felt alone).
Then, reading hundreds of posts Forum , if there is something I appreciate, are justly the theirs, always logicals and intelligents, respectful with the user (of low level of knowledge), and especially, without anger, sarcasm, irony or hostilities.
Besides, I always liked his ability, to discern the problem that was behind, in a confusing message, misspelled or poorly explained, to resolverle the concern, to some desperate user, by a computer problem, that was not of their profession.
And, in view of the above, is that I answer the following:
In this case, my answer to a novice user, it was not wrong.
It was a limited response on purpose, for not to complicate his problem, in a first step.
As you say:
[But Windows will not do it natively] -This, I mean-
[You must use a dedicated formatting software.] -This, I avoided-
The demonstration, is an old answer of mine, to an advanced user, which abounded with this issue, and I recommend the software (free) [USB Fat32Formatter 1.10 ], to format a pendrive 64 GB with FAT32.
Unfortunately, you do not remember or did not read it, because it disappeared (in some technical cleaning), the entire page, it had ~ 11 messages, (03/03/2014).
Of course, I have the Backup (as recommended in the Forum, ha, ha, ha….).
I transcribe paragraphs:
[…I think that the most practical and simple (as Ockham said), is to keep your ‘UFD 64GB Extreme’ in FAT32 format, which lets you use both Windows and MAC and especially in 'DVD Players table ', and I carry in your pocket, away from “foreign noses”…]
[… Well, there are third-party programs that allow formatted in FAT32, exceeding this limit (32 GB) and taking advantage of its versatility to also use it in external hdisk…]
[… So you may try Fat32Formatter1.10 (Portable, free)…]
Bueh, also I take the opportunity, to thank SanDisk/Forum, for the extraordinary (I’m cybernaut, from about 10 years ago) “Website” that, keeps so generously, and for the opportunity gives, and gave at new and unkown user “spanish-speaking (Castillian)”, and from a far country; of participate and evolve in this “Adventure of Thought”, that is the “Information Revolution”, and of which SanDisk is a “Flagship”.
Yours sincerely, Alfred, Argentina. (Google translate)
PS: Tapeworm, I now I dare to ask you for help.
I did not find the way to insert images in my answers, and I always get “… exceeded 20,000 characters …”), (grrr, ha, ha, ha).