SanDisk Clip Sport Firmware 1.17 released

Firmware is the software code that powers your Clip Sport. You can think of it as the operating system.  SanDisk actively and periodically updates the capabilities, functionality, and reliability of the Firmware.  For an optimal experience with your Clip Sport, SanDisk recommends that you update your Firmware with each new release.  It’s fast, easy, and free!

Notice for users that Previously upgraded to Firmware Version 1.18

We have found a potential issue where a small number of Clip Sport devices may freeze on the SanDisk Screen after updating to FW version 1.18. While we investigate this issue we have decided to remove FW 1.18. If you have previously upgraded successfully to FW 1.18 you will not be affected by this issue and you can continue using FW 1.18.

SanDisk has released firmware version 1.17 for the SanDisk Clip Sport. Download links and the release notes are available below.

SanDisk Clip Sport Firmware 1.17 Download and Installation instructions


Update using the Sansa Firmware Updater

For Sansa Firmware Updater - Click here to download 

Manual Firmware Update (Download and Instructions)

Manual Firmware Update (All Regions) - Click here to download

All languages are now in one firmware version. After firmware update you will need to select your Language and Region preference.

• Remove any external card from the Clip Sport before performing firmware update

• Ensure your battery is > 50% full. 

• Plug in your SanDisk Clip Sport to your computer. 

• Download and save the  upgrade.hex file linked above to folder on your computer.

• Drag the file to the root directory of your SanDisk Clip Sport

• Disconnect the SanDisk Clip Sport and let the firmware update begin. 

• Once it finally finishes doing its update, it will turn itself off. 

• Turn the Clip Sport on, Select your language and region preference 

• Once its back to the main menu, head to “Settings” >“System Settings”> “Info”, and verify the “Version” is now 1.17".

SanDisk Clip Sport Release notes

This new firmware has various enhancements and bug fixes, including key fixes listed below. Upon completion of the firmware upgrade, the device will turn off; power on the device to complete the upgrade process.  If the device does not initiate or complete, press & hold the Power switch for 15 seconds to reset the device and then press and hold power button again for 1 second to restart


  • Added Key Lock (Press and Hold Back Button for 2 seconds to enable Key lock, Press and hold back button 2 seconds to disable Key lock)
  • Added Track number sorting using ID3 tags. Songs will now play in album order by ID3 tag track number if available. 

Bugs Fixed:

  • Notification translations and clarity improved
  • Shuffle algorithm improved
  • Battery notifications added
  • ID3 Tags for FLAC now recognized

Design Limitations:

  • Maximum database size supported is now 2000 objects for internal memory and 2000 object for external memory
  • Sorting tracks by Genre is no longer available


Great, it seems all my major problems have been fixed:

  • Flac Tags are recognized
  • The tracks are played in the correct order

Thanks !



Great, now we have a lock-feature. Thanx!

This was a big improvement. Only thing left I would like is to have a “play all” button and this would be my favorite mp3 player. Maybe next firmware update if they do one?


  • “Maximum database size supported is now 2000 objects for internal memory and 2000 object for external memory”

Is this really the case? 4000 was bad enough but 2000 is ridiculous! Or does this mean that the internal and external memories are now merged together?

@davide37 wrote:


  • “Maximum database size supported is now 2000 objects for internal memory and 2000 object for external memory”


Is this really the case? 4000 was bad enough but 2000 is ridiculous! Or does this mean that the internal and external memories are now merged together?




I agree.

Sadly, no.

So, just 2000 files on the external card. I’ve got the max of 4000 on a 64Gb. SanDisk really have lost the plot big time. I definitely won’t be updating the firmware.

absolute joke



Surely this takes away the point of the SD card (With the current 2000 limit thats roughly 8gb of good quality mp3)


I will not be updating and will most likely be purchasing an alternative player as this device is unusable for sports due to the lack of a lock button without such a heavy restriction on storage.



I had purchased a fuze back in 2009 and it worked amazing. Unfortunately it was broken before one month. So I decided to buy a new product.
No matter how hard I searched I could not find a capable replacement for my fuze. I do not like the touch philosophy of the fuze+ so the clip sport seemed the better solution.
Unfortunately, this update although it solves some problems ( that should not have been there from the beginning), it creates a new major problem.
Only 2000 files on 2014? What is the meaning of the micro sd slot then? I am very disappointed. The original fuze is still better even 6 years after its release! Too bad it is not manufactured today.

This really does seem to be an issue of expectations:  people expecting (myself included) that a new Clip will be an advance in the line rather than an “alternate use” player (which, personally, I don’t see a use for, given what the earlier Clips already offer).


You’re right in some respects, but what’s difficult to understand is why SanDisk have crippled the Sport even further by reducing the file limit. I use the Sport only in the gym and the 4000 limit in the previous firmware was fine; 2000 isn’t and I don’t want the hassle of switching between internal and external memory. I’ll probably still stick with the Sport simply because of the battery life, but I’m stunned by SanDisk failing to appreciate that many Clip Zip+ users will have unwittingly downgraded to the Sport and feel mightily pissed-off… 

I have 1150 files in my SD card. That’s more than 8GB songs. More than enough for me.


Now everytime you press back, you go to Card menu, to the root of the system!. This is so terrible made!

Plus what about the names that appear totally cut for no reason?. This wasn’t important to you?

This is incredible…!

After waiting for this ****, you have lost a client FOREVER.

Piece of ■■■■.

Lost over 700 songs with the 1.17 firmware update.  4,000 items per location (internal/external) gets improved by reducing it to 2,000?  In what bizaro world is that an improvement?

After mistakenly updating, everytime I unplug it from the computer it “Refreshes media” even if all you were doing was charging.  It then asks for your language, wipes your radio presets etc. Format on the device… doesn’t fix.  Format on the computer… nope.  On/off, On/off, again, again, again, format, on/off.  Finally stops resetting itself. Uggg…

The 1.17 update hacks on a ‘lock button’ (kinda important in a ‘sports’ mp3 player), and fixes the ‘it can’t play an album in order’ bug. But then it cuts the number of songs you can load by more than half.  Truncates names (albums, artists, songs), when I say truncate I mean truncate.  It shows a partial name, and then a few moments later it scrolls… nothing.  Example: Album “Bomb in a Birdcage”, listed as “Bomb in a Bi” which scrolls by, Bi then nothing…

The things wrong with this player are legend (and don’t give me the 'it’s more like an iPod Shuffle nonsense).

  • No Lock button
  • Can’t play albums in the correct order.
  • No Unified music access ( the ‘music’ function should play ALL the music regardless of where it resides)
  • No way to navigate from music to radio without losing your place (if you are playing song 3 of album X and listen to the radio, or heaven forbid use the silly stop watch, it forgets what you were doing when you go back to listening to music).
  • No way to tell how charged it is while charging (you have text telling you that it’s charging, but instead of the battery icon showing you how charged it is, it displays a redundant animation).
  • Artificial item limit.  For a device that support a 32GB microSD card, 2,000 items (was 4,000)?  Really?
  • Date/Time setting that serve no purpose.  It asks you for the date and time and then never displays them again.
  • Books??  Have you seen the low resolution on this device?  You can barely make out the album cover art.  Who expects that anyone is going to be reading books on this thing?

What this device should have been is the Zip Clip+ with a larger display for album art and if you really felt the need the silly stop watch (I guess to justify calling it Sport).

Instead we get a device that functions worse than many noname Chinese Mp3 players (at many times the price).  The 1.17 update tries to fix the first two, doesn’t address the other issues and introduces new bugs.  This update actually manages to add a 2, 000 item limit!@#$!.  4,000 items were cramped enough (I was nearing that on a 16GB card).

SanDisk should post the original firmware so those of us can at least get back to what we had, and at the same time work on releasing an update that actually fixes the items listed above (without breaking things or adding new limitations).

Thanks! finally, all is working perfect now, tested and fit. 

Could you please upload the old firmware 1.09 in order for us to be able to change the file limit at will? I would be grateful if you at least do that Sandisk.

jilocasin wrote:


  • Books??  Have you seen the low resolution on this device?  You can barely make out the album cover art.  Who expects that anyone is going to be reading books on this thing?


I think you are mistaken as to the “Books” feature. It refers to “audio” books; it is not a Kindle-type device where you read the book on the screen, but rather you listen to them.

Other than that, I have to agree with you. It is a rather disappointing device (and f/w fix), given what SanDisk has offered in the past.

Finally, but awwwwww!

You’re so right.  It’s definitely not for people like me.  I chafed at cutting it down to 6000 songs, but my ClipZip battery gave out within the warranty period anyway. Best Buy said they don’t sell those anymore, but here’s your ClipSport!

At least now I know why it said there were only 4000 songs on the card! Seeing that the upgrade will only make things twice as bad, I’ll just return ClipSport and use the store credit for something different.  Too bad, I really liked the audio quality and the reliable battery.

If enough of us do that, maybe Sandisk will produce something better.  Unfortunately, I can’t see where anyone else seems to be making anything better, e.g., a music player that can use Sandisk’s 128GB SDXC cards with at least 64K songs.

I’ll probably end up taking this advice, buying and returning a string of ClipZips with extended warranties, while I wait for someone else to jump on the pent-up market demand created by SanDisk’s dropping the music player ball.

The sandisk players are the only ones that worked for me and at a fraction of the cost of the other supposedly premium players.  A lot of these players back in the day that got great reviews had major overlooked problems. 

I’ve never spent more than fourty five bucks on a sansa player.  iI’ve owned everything since the clip plus including the fuze plus and the zip.  I guess I won’t be purchasing this player though.  The fuze plus, clip plus and zip just worked for me even though most hated the zip and fuze plus.  I have used the crud out of these players for hours a day and still am but the batteries are giving on all of them.  I could buy another zip but I would rather have something better.

It looks like the only major players left are sony, apple and sandisk.  sony and sandisk are each only still manufacturing one player from at least what I can tell from what’s available.  Most of these small tablet manufacturers have ceased production on mp3 players as well like visual land.  wWe’re all supposed to go around listening to music on smartphones and tablets now.  I don’t want mobile phone service or even a smartphone so I guess I’m going to be hiking around the mountains with a large tablet in hand just to listen to music.  I guess i could buy a 50 dollar dragon touch tablet and just lug that around.  IIm using a kindle right now to type this but it has very limited memory for music and its one of those things I don’t want to mess up on a several mile hike.

So, what’s the point of allowing a 32GB external card if the database is limited to 2000 files?  

I can live with how it works that it actually plays songs in order now and doesn’t ask to “activate my device” when I start an audiobook on the SD card.

I get it that you want to limit functionality based on the chipset to reach a price point, but limiting number of files is utterly ridiculous.  Did you know that Sandisk sells memory chips?  They probably make more money selling 32GB chips than 8GB chips.  Why do they insist on irritating their userbase and limiting what we can use on an SD card?

I wish I could understand why these decisions are made, but it seems like Sandisk can’t find its rear with both hands this time.

Dear friends Tapeworm and Miikerman,

Is it possible to upload the previous firmware? The ability to be flexible is very important I believe. Some users are not happy with the update, others like me would like to test the update but only if they were sure that they can go back to the previous firmware 1.09.

Good to see there’s now a lock option and that tracks are sorted correctly; not that I’d call either of those things enhancements. (I’d gone back to my Clip + as those two problems made the Sport pretty much unusable for me)

Still finding that sometimes there can be annoying delays between pressing a button and the command happening when the display has been off. For example, press pause and the display wakes up first then playback stops; the same problem exists when you want to resume playback. Personally I have no interest in seeing what’s on the display when I use pause nor when I resume playback within a few minutes as I already know what I’m listening to and it seems like the display waking is causing the delay.

It’s a shame that the internal and external memory is still split.