Restoring a Backup I made before wiping computer

I recently bought a WD My Passport Ultra to backup my computer. I used the WD backup tool by setting up a backup plan and confirmed I got a full backup. I then wiped my computer to do a clean start. When my computer was restarted I plugged the hard drive back in and installed the backup utility. When I went to the recover tab my drive was not available to click on. I then set up a new backup plan. When it backed up, my drive appeared in the recovery tab. I selected the drive but in the explorer my old backup folder was not available to select. I have no idea how to retrieve the files I backed up, which kind of defeats the purpose of me using this drive to backup my computer.

I am hoping I am just doing something wrong and one of you can help me. I am running Windows 10.


If you check the properties for the drive, does it shows the space available or taken on the drive?

Are you sure that you used the same application to create the backup and to retrieve the files?

Yes the drive has 610 gb used and 1.4 gb free. And yes I used the exact same app that is installed with the drive. I am a computer literate person, I am just hoping that there is a function to the application that I am missing or if there is another way to decompress the backed up files off of the drive.

If you used WD Backup you should be able to copy and paste the backup from within the hard drive itself.

You can do that but it would be useless since all the files are compressed and have different file extensions. The backup software wont allow me to chose a restore backup folder unless it is on the hard drive, or at least I have not figured out a way to do that.