Repair corrupted pendrive

TO: _ johnwalker10 _

  Appreciate your reply. I will keep this (and some of the other) post and hope that I never have to employ any of the “fixes” again!:smileyvery-happy: Unfoutunately, I agreed with a few of the posts and discarded the 2 drives…before I received subsequent information, such as yours. I must say, I found it to be a rather extensive, unfruitful endeavor to determine the exact cause and therefore, the exact “fix” for those 2 drives. I have since come to the conclusion that there was something wrong with the O.S. system(Microcrap7) that rendered both of those drive “corrupt”. It was not unusual, as I found out, those reporting similar issues as I had, were using Win7. My conclusion: stay with Linux and/or immediately CONVERT ANY system employing any of the “Windows” O.S’s issued after XP Pro!!! I had used LINUXMINT/Ubuntu for about 5 yrs. prior and NEVER had any of the “issues” I experienced and found reported when I started reading the 'forums" and manufacurer’s sites pertaining to this particular “bug” and almost entirely…all had been employing a Window’s O.S. at the time of their "failure’s/issues arose. I hope that there are others who will take advantage of your response and thus, be able to keep their drives from being dispatched to the local landfill…as I did!

_ THANX _ and stay sharp:

_ Rick _

My Sandisk drive cannot be read as a 3.0 drive an more. Windows reads it as a 2.0 drive but, no longer as a 3.0 drive.  I chatted with Sandisk support and they were absolutely not help (can’t seem to back their product).  They told me to contact microsoft and ask them why their operating system cannot read their drive as 3.0.  I don’t think I could get anywhere with Microsoft and very disappointed that Sandisk was so unhelpful.  This drive has worked well in all my windows operating systems as a 3.0 drive and now can only be read as a 2.0 drive. What can be wrong? What can I do to fix this drive?  

Afternoon _ dannyg10: _

_     _Just a thought…by any chance are you plugging the drive into a 2.0 port? Remember, a 2.0 port will only read/write at the speed of a 2.0 port even if your drive is 3.0.


Hello Rixter,

Recently my pen drive’s data have been corrupted . I can say that i was in same situation. To recover my pen drive data i used BLR pen drive data recovery tool . you can give it a try.

You always reply to 7 yr old questions? :rofl: