Recommendations for audiobooks?

First of all I apologize for my bad English…

Is Sansa Clip+ a good choice for listening to audio books (.mp3)? I had a big problem on my Sansa Express because i have to fix the ID3 tag on every .mp3 file. Its really annoying and sometimes it doesn’t work… An example: 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4. and sometimes it plays reversed. I don’t want to fix the ID3tag everytime my mom wants to borrow my mp3-player for having to listen to audio books. Its really screws up the playlist. And the “Shuffle” option is OFF.


Aha okey! So you think I should buy the Sansa Clip+? I do not have to change the id3 tag?

Okey. Hmm… I find it difficult to determine for myself what I should buy. There are not many well known brands that support microSD. Does the Sansa Clip+ have the “Resume” function? It’s a clever function if you listen to audio books!

where do you get pod casts from.I have been an apple dummy for a few years so i know they have them.but who else carries those that wont charge a monthly fee?

and your english is really good buddy lol.i was born here but have the chicago accent thing going so we speak sloppy lazy english lol

@miikerman wrote:
Yes.  It remembers the last file played before shut-off.  It also remembers where each podcast/audiobook was left at, when using ID3 view. 

Not sure what you mean by “when using ID3 view”… but I always access my podcasts using Folders view, and it keeps track of the last position in each file.   (As long as it doesn’t lose its mind and forget that the files are podcasts, not music.  But that’s another thread.)