@kinggainer wrote:
Hey everyone,
I just picked up the Fuze V2 after reading all the reviews. The main reason I bought it was to have a folder view which the new version of the firmware makes possible. This is great and all, however, I noticed that once one folder is done playing, the player does not move onto the next folder on the Micro SD card.
Does anyone know any way to make it play each folder continuously? I did try and going into the root directory of the card and pressing “Play all.” That works, but it just plays every song on the SD. Sometimes, I just want to pick a folder in the middle of my folder list and just let the player go to the next folder and so on after. This is a function I really want in an MP3 player. I was previously using a Lexar LDP-200 which has no internal memory and relies completely on SD cards but only goes up to 2gb max. It recently broke and I couldn’t find another one for the life of me. It had a great folder view that allowed you to pick a folder to play, then once it was done, it would go to the next folder.
I would greatly appreciate any advice on this issue.
King Gainer
If I understand correctly what you want to do, you’re half way there. You just need a couple more steps. I’m going to assume you organize your music something like Artist > Album > Track. My music folder looks something like this:
Old Hippie Group 1
1968 - Hippie Album 1
01 - song 1
02 - song 2
1970 - Hippie Album 2
01 - song 1
02 - song 2
etc. for 4 more albums
Old Hippie Group 2
etc., for dozens more groups
Now say I want to listen to some tunes by Old Hippie Group 1 but want to start with their 1970 Album 2.
In the main music menu, select Folders. Then select either Internal Memory or External uSD Card, depending on where Old Hippie Group 1’s music is. Then select MUSIC. Then, from the list of artists, select Old Hippie Group 1. Then select Play All. I think this is as far as you got. But, now that the music for 1968 Album 1 is playing, tap the menu button (the “down” section of the scroll wheel). Select Back To Music List. Now you have the list of all songs. Scroll down to the first song on 1970 Album 2 and click select (if you’ve named each song’s file with a track number prefix, it souldn’t be hard to see where one album ends and the next one begins). The Fuze will now play all songs in order from that point on. You can confirm this by noticing that the track indicator is now showing something like 21/307. If the Fuze is only playing that particular album, you would see something like 1/13.
Hope this helps achieve what you’re trying to do. I know it works for me. I love the folder navigation. By giving each album a year-of-release prefix, I can listen to a Group’s catalog in chronological order, in whole or in part.
Message Edited by BigJohnL on 09-21-2009 08:20 PM