Sorry for my english, i’m french. My fuze is doesn’t work because of the memory full. I just can read a message to liberate memory during 3 second and stop. All the songs have disepear when i look the menu “Music” in my computer (Mac). I’ve tried a reseting but it doesn’t function. Is it possible to hard reset ? How to do ? Thanks for your answer…
I can’t follow any of that.
Perhaps you should post your message in French. There may be a fluent French speaker here who can respond.
Good luck.
I dont know any french but I know whats going on.
Slide the power switch down so you can see an orange circle. Then press the << (Left side of the wheel) while you plug it in to your computer then keep holding it until the fuze mounts. Then open the Fuze in finder and try to delete some music.
If deleting songs does not help, you will need to find a Windows PC and run what is called the chkdsk utility. I dont believe you can do this with a mac.
If you have trouble understanding this post back and I will ask my sister to translate she is practically fluent in French.
In french :
Mon fuze bugge. Le message “pas assez d’espace libre, libérez 90 megaoctets” n’arréte pas de s’afficher sans que je puisse faire quoi que ce soit d’autre. Le reset ne fonctionne pas et via mon Mac, il n’y a plus de chansons à virer donc je suis dans l’impasse. Est il possible de faire un hard reset ? Merci.
How to Hard reset the fuze. The “normal reset” doesn’t run.
Try doing what I suggested. I will look into if the chkdsk utility can be run in terminal.
Ok, i’ve all understand but wheni can not delete any songs because thet have all deseapear. My “Music” menu is empty. I think i’m going to try something on a PC via windows. Thanks.
On the Windows PC run the ChkDsk utility. The instructions are on here somewhere, or you could just do a search of the internet.
This will most likely solve your problem.
It sounds like you have some error situation that the software does not handle well… this might not help you much.
I noticed my Fuze came with some sample files in the video and picture folders. I think you can delete them.
Also, I noticed that when you plug it in (in WinXP), it asks about synchronizing… it downloaded some pictures from my computer to Fuze. So, you might be able to prevent an ‘out of storage’ situation by monitoring what is on the Fuze.
PedroV wrote:
It sounds like you have some error situation that the software does not handle well… this might not help you much.
I noticed my Fuze came with some sample files in the video and picture folders. I think you can delete them.
Also, I noticed that when you plug it in (in WinXP), it asks about synchronizing… it downloaded some pictures from my computer to Fuze. So, you might be able to prevent an ‘out of storage’ situation by monitoring what is on the Fuze.
Actually now that I re-read this thread and am more awake it is the classic example of corrupted FAT which is remedied by running the ChkDsk utility in windows.
Put it in MSC mode (Settings/System Settings/USB Mode).
Find it in My Computer or Computer.
Right-click on the drive with Sansa Fuze.
Look for the Tools tab on top.
Run Error-checking. Have it automatically fix errors, and if it asks you to save bad chains, don’t save them.
Black-Rectangle wrote:
Put it in MSC mode (Settings/System Settings/USB Mode).
Find it in My Computer or Computer.
Right-click on the drive with Sansa Fuze.
Look for the Tools tab on top.
Run Error-checking. Have it automatically fix errors, and if it asks you to save bad chains, don’t save them.
Wont work on the Mac. Terminal wont do it.
Thanks ! I’ve all tried, nothing changes. I think this fuze is definitively dead. I’m going to buy another one. I’m looking for a clip, i hope it will be better
Contact Sandisk tech support there is an international number. If it is in fact dead they will replace it.