Although the Clip+ manual states that the Clip+ features gapless playback, I have found on all of the formats that I’ve tried so far (FLAC, MP3, OGG, and WAV), that for tracks that flow into each other like in Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon, there are clicks between the tracks.
Will this be corrected in a future firmware update, so that all tracks seamlessly flow into each other without clicks?
I don’t hear clicks between “separate” tracks in which each song is separate and does not flow into the next.
Many users have reported the clicks between tracks on the Clip+.
If this issue is resolved, I will definitely be recommending the Clip+ to a lot of friends.
Check your Tags. It is possible that those clicks you hear are the product of your player trying to read extra or incompatible metadata in the tags. Eliminate any info your clip+ doesn’t display and any strange characters, also make sure your tags are in the newest version available. If there are still clicks then you may be facing another issue but I have seen in the past where Sansa players would click following a track because of the tags.
What info in tags in particular are you suggesting would cause this problem? I’m thinking this wouldn’t be the case, because WAV files also clicked, in fact, they had the largest clicks of all, and it is my understanding that they do not contain tag information. I also didn’t try to add any tags to the WAV files I tested out.
I use Tag as a general term that most people understand. It is in fact the metadata that is inherently part of any file. In Ogg files I have seen a click caused by the Ogg comments having data that was not needed or compatible with the player. It is odd that this is happening with WAV files as those are files that I have not seen as having this issue. Have you gone to the Clip+ Board and used the search feature to look for Clicking or reported bugs with gapless? I would do that next to see if there is another cause for this that I havent seen.
I just went back and performed a new test. I ripped two tracks to WAV, then converted them to FLAC. I verified that they playback gapless on Foobar on my desktop computer and stereo. I didn’t add any tags. I put them onto my Clip+, and I heard the click. I’m not seeing how there could be any tags or added metadata that could be interfering with Clip+.
I have gone to the Clip+ board, and other people have reported that gapless does not work on the Clip+. It’s also been reported by multiple people on the Anything But Ipod forum. I haven’t come across a single person who has reported that gapless works on the Clip+. There have been a few people who initially thought gapless was working, then when they tried out more albums or listened closely, they could hear the clicks. Most people who pay attention to detail in music notice the clicks the first time that they play music on the Clip+ (like I did).
Is SanDisk doing anything to correct the flawed gapless playback problem on the Clip+ through a firmware update?
I just went back and performed a new test. I ripped two tracks to WAV, then converted them to FLAC. I verified that they playback gapless on Foobar on my desktop computer and stereo. I didn’t add any tags. I put them onto my Clip+, and I heard the click. I’m not seeing how there could be any tags or added metadata that could be interfering with Clip+.
I have gone to the Clip+ board, and other people have reported that gapless does not work on the Clip+. It’s also been reported by multiple people on the Anything But Ipod forum. I haven’t come across a single person who has reported that gapless works on the Clip+. There have been a few people who initially thought gapless was working, then when they tried out more albums or listened closely, they could hear the clicks. Most people who pay attention to detail in music notice the clicks the first time that they play music on the Clip+ (like I did).
Is SanDisk doing anything to correct the flawed gapless playback problem on the Clip+ through a firmware update?
You’re right, foobar does provide true gapless playback. Every report has said the gapless isn’t quite there with the Clip+, no matter which codec people have tried. As far as firmware updates, I don’t believe there has been one yet for the Clip+. There was a time when firmware updates rolled out regularly about every 3-4 months with the old Clip and Fuze…then the CLip ones stopped, presumably when they were working behind the scenes to bring out the Clip+. So it remains to be seen how often we will see updates to the Clip+.