With help from various scripts (that didn’t work) from this community, I’ve made a linux shell script to automatically create playlists for a Sansa Clip (V02.01.32F). Its functioning is explained in the code. It runs directly in the clip, and makes a playlist for every subdirectory of MUSIC.
I hope it’s any use to someone out there; this forum has helped me much and this is my way of saying “thanks”.
Download http://www.nibla.nl/tmp/playlist.sh or
# Create sansa-playlists in linux-bash shell script
# Arguments: None.
# Author: Niels Blaauw
# Copyright: On a 20-line script!? You must be joking.
# Warning: Use at your own risk.
# Usage:
# Plugin the sansa. Wait until it’s mounted.
# Run the script from the command line, without arguments.
# The script will try to change its path to the sansa-mountpoint.
# It will ask whether it’s found the right path; you can cancel at
# that point.
# Description:
# The script needs a directory structure like this:
# /media/[disk]/MUSIC
# /artist1
# /song1.mp3
# /song2.mp3
# /album1
# /song3.mp3
# /song4.mp3
# /song5.mp3
# /album2
# /song6.mp3
# /song7.mp3
# /artist2
# /…
# In that example, the script would have created playlists for
# “artist1” and “artist2”. The first would be named:
# …/MUSIC/artist1/artist1.m3u
# and would contain:
# song1.mp3
# song2.mp3
# album1\song3.mp3
# album1\song4.mp3
# album1\song5.mp3
# album2\song6.mp3
# album2\song7.mp3
# ( bleep those double spaces!)
# Note the backslashes: Sansa does NOT accept unix-slashes between
# folders.
# It DOES accept linux-returns though; don’t worry about LF/CR.
#set -x
#— Subroutine: List songs in folder and subfolders ----------
# Arguments:
# $1: path to be prepended to songs
ls | while read song_or_album
if [“echo $song_or_album | egrep '\.mp3$|\.ogg$|\.wav$'
” != “”]
#— list song in m3u file -------------------------
echo $1$song_or_album >> $targetfile
echo “” >> $targetfile
echo “Added to $artist: " $1$song_or_album
elif [-d $song_or_album]
#— go to deeper directory; call self -------------
cd $song_or_album
list_songs $next_prefix
cd …
# MAIN***************************************************
#— Dirty trick: Change directory to within the sansa ---------
cd /media/*/MUSIC
#— Ask for user confirmation that directory is right ---------
echo “Going to work on $workdir. Press enter to continue, Ctrl-C to abort”
read answer
#— Create list ----------------------------------
ls | while read artist
if [-d $artist]
cd $artist
echo “#EXTM3U” > $targetfile
echo “” >> $targetfile
list_songs “”
cd …