Continuing the discussion from Can I use a password and still access on both PC and MAC?:
(that post was so old I couldn’t just add on to it…)
Is the info there still valid? - i.e. I want to use an external “Passport” drive interchangeably on BOTH a Mac and PC so that each has access to the same data while still maintaining password protection on it. I plan to do this by either reformatting to ExFat or getting an NTFS add-on (like Paragon) for the Mac. I’ve read that the drive comes with “Smartware” software that password protects (encrypts?) the drive - but I think that works ONLY on /for a PC.
(This is for offsite video file backup - I don’t necessarily need full blown encryption, but I want at least a password)
It doesn’t concern me too much if I have to use SmartWare on a PC to “lock” and “unlock” the drive so that the Mac can see it. I just want to make sure that if I do so that I can still use the drive on both platforms (I’m also assuming the password protection offered by Smartware is “instant” - i.e. I don’t want to have to wait to decrypt the entire drive on the PC first, before I can use it on the Mac).
I would also like to know if this approach would work whether I leave the formatting as NTFS or change it to ExFat.