I´m the propietor of a Sansa Clip, MP3 Player and when I try to cut and copy a song from my PC to the MP3 it appears a message that says “The song can´t be copied the device doesn´t respond because it´s not connected”. I brought the Sansa to my seller and He checked the device and recorded four songs correctly so he gave me it back and said that it was o.k. I would like to knhow what I should do. Thanks.
Sounds like a bad USB cable. Try a different one. I have noticed that some USB cables that work fine with other devices will not work with the Sansa Clip.
I would call (or go see) the seller and find out what he (or she) did that you are not doing that allowed the songs to transfer with no problems.
He might have been putting them on via the ‘sync’ method with Windows Media Player in MTP mode. Or he might have dragged & dropped them in MSC mode. Obviously you are missing something, or it would be working for you too. Find out exactly what they are doing, then duplicate it.