No more albums showing up

I meant the Folders view on the Fuze, at the end of the music menu, past Song, Artist, Album, etc. Folders was added in a firmware update, many versions ago, and it should be there unless you have a very old, never updated Fuze.

That works more or less like Windows explorer, listing the folders on the card. Apparently it also works from tags, but it’s closer to the computer view of the files, instead of the Albums/Artist/Songs lists, which are built by collecting information from the tags.

But if, really, there is no way to see the folders on the Fuze then either:

  1. They are not files the Fuze plays. That means that if your Fuze is full of .m4a  or .m4p files from iTunes, it won’t show them because it can’t play them. The Fuze plays .mp3, .wma, .flac and .wav. 

  2. They are not correctly tagged–they have ID3 v1 tags or ID3v2.4 tags that the Fuze doesn’t read.  If they are folders full of mp3 files, then your best move is to empty the card and re-tag them on the computer with mp3tag, with the ID3v2.3 as default. Open the folder, highlight all the files, Save.

 If they are .wav files, they won’t have tags–.wav files don’t–so you’d have to play them from Folders view. 

Can the Fuze see and play albums in the internal memory?  Is the problem only with the card? 

You might also try reloading the Fuze firmware from this thread. Don’t bother with the Updater, just do the manual install.

But usually if the firmware is corrupt, it won’t work at all–it’s not going to selectively not detect albums and otherwise function normally. 

Just out of curiosity, when the folders are visible on the card from the computer, can you play them on the computer?