New firmware causing very frequent freezes with Audible.

I’ve had my Fuze for quite a while now (version 1), and I’ve used it for a variety of music & audiobooks (mostly audible).  It has probably frozen maybe 3-4 times throughout the whole time I’ve owned it until two nights ago.

I upgraded to the latest firmware two nights ago, because I wanted to see if it fixed some multi-cd audiobook ordering, and since then I’ve had it freeze about 12 times.  I’ve been listening to an audible audiobook this whole time, and it usually goes for a good amount of time and then seemingly randomly it will just freeze and require a hard boot.  When I turn it back on it goes through “Refreshing Media” again and loses the spot in the audiobook.

I thought the freezes were occurring after I would pause and resume at first, but the last freeze was sudden after about 20-30 minutes of straight playing.

I haven’t seen any current messages on the forums about this problem, is anyone else having it?  I haven’t tried non-audible files yet (I’m trying to make it though this audiobook), but If it weren’t limited to audible files I’m guessing I would see more posts about it…

Is there anything to do other than trying to revert the firmware? 

The Sansa Fuze works best with Audible formats 4 and Enhanced.  Which format Audible book are you using?

I prefer Format 3, but this requires using the Sansa e200; the latest firmwares necessitate the higher formats.  I can fit quite a few books on the e200, but I have to be a bit selective with the Fuze and Clip / Clip+.

Bob  :wink:

I’ve always used Format 4.  I’ve never used the Enhanced because it’s like twice the size and I can’t really tell any difference :slight_smile:

So I reverted to 01.02.28A and it hasn’t frozen since. 

Same problem here with Fuze 4BG and firmware v31.  Everytime I hit the Pause button during an auiobook it freezes.  The only way out is to rest (hold the on-off switch to on for 10 seconds).  It then reverts to the place in the book when I first turned it on and is a PITA to find the spot where it froze.  I’m waiting for the next firmware which will hopefully be soon.  I’m using the Enhanced format.

Same problem here with Fuze 4GB and firmware v31.  Everytime I hit the Pause button during an audiobook it freezes.  The only way out is to reset (hold the on-off switch to on for 10 seconds).  It then reverts to the place in the book when I first turned it on and is a PITA to find the spot where it froze.  I’m waiting for the next firmware which will hopefully be soon.  I’m using the Enhanced format.